Cover Image for Aptos Mover: Innovation Ripples from Kyoto
Cover Image for Aptos Mover: Innovation Ripples from Kyoto
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238 Went

Aptos Mover: Innovation Ripples from Kyoto

Sold Out
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About Event

Aptos Mover: Innovation Ripples from Kyoto event will begin at 4:00 PM
「Aptos Mover: 京都から広がるイノベーション~ 」イベントは午後4時に開始されます。

Time: July 3rd, 16:00-21:30 (GMT+9)
時間:7月3日、16:00-21:30 (GMT+9)

Location: Heian Jingu Event Hall
場所:京都平安神宫 迎賓殿


Thank you for your support of the event. We are very much looking forward to meeting each and every participant! Due to the number of registrations exceeding the venue’s capacity by twice, following our communication with the Heian Shrine, we are able to accommodate more friends during the event. However, to ensure a quality dining experience, we will be limiting the number of attendees, so please arrive early to check in.


Check-in will begin at 16:00 in the afternoon, and you will receive a dinner voucher upon checking in. Participants with vouchers will have priority entry to the dinner venue. Please note that those who arrive late may not be able to enter the venue.


🔥Aptos Kyoto Meetup "Aptos Mover: Innovation Ripples from Kyoto" agenda officially announced!
Aptos 京都 Meetup 《Aptos Mover: 京都から広がるイノベーション~》のアジェンダが正式に発表されました!

We have invited core developers, senior builders, renowned project founders, and investment principals from the Aptos ecosystem to gather together. The topics cover the full chain of development in the Aptos ecosystem, from technological innovation, infrastructure, to DeFi, GameFi, and user experience. It is a Meetup during the #IVS2024 conference that cannot be missed.
Aptosのエコからコア開発者、シニアビルダー、Aptosの有名なプロジェクト創設者、そして投資家の方々をお招待し、一堂に会しました。トピックは、Aptosの技術革新、インフラ、DeFi、GameFi、さらにはユーザー体験に至るまで広がっています、Aptosエコにおける開発の全チェーンをカバーします。また、#IVS2024 会議期間中の見逃せないMeetupを開催します。

💡@MizuWallet , @0xjosephlee , and @ykiykyk will focus on Aptos and Move technologies, discussing the implementation and application of advanced technologies such as keyless accounts, parallel transaction processing, and state synchronization.
Jean Zhu、Joseph Lee、そしてYKは、AptosとMove技術に焦点を当て、キーレスアカウント、並列トランザクション処理、状態同期などの先進技術の実装と応用について話し合います。

💡@christie__0 , @apt_tomo , and @ArthurKaoGG will share insights on enhancing the user experience of Web3 applications and exploring ways for widespread adoption of Web3 applications.
Christie Lee、TS、そしてArthurは、Web3アプリのユーザー体験を向上させる方法と、Web3アプリの大規模採用への道を探求するための洞察を共有します。

💡 @AlibabaCloud_jp and @OKCoinJapan will share the progress of deep collaboration between Aptos, OKCoinJapan, and Alibaba Cloud, providing more benefits and support for Japanese developers.
新妻 晋、八角大辅は、Aptos、OKCoinJapan、そしてAlibaba Cloudとの深い協力進展について共有し、日本の開発者により多くの利益とサポートを提供します。

Host: @alcove_pro, @Aptos

Co-Host: @MizuWallet, @OKCoinJapan, @AlibabaCloud_jp, @OneKeyHQ, @0xKekkai

Partners: AMD, @akindoio, @supervlabs, @MerkleTrade, @mereo_xyz, @GuildQB, @Castileofficial

Looking forward to meeting more Japanese developers and building on Aptos together!

Heian Jingu Event Hall
97 Okazaki Nishitennōchō, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8341, Japan
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Presented by
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238 Went