Cover Image for TON DEV Workshop TW #3
Cover Image for TON DEV Workshop TW #3
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​🚀 TON DEV Workshop TW #3 - Mentor Enlighten


​​​Welcome to the TON DEV Journey. This event is designed for developers interested in the TON blockchain. We will provide free learning courses, an opportunity to use the official development tool — TonFura, and a chance to participate in the upcoming TON HackerHouse in Hong Kong.

​​📅 Date: March 7, 2024 | 18:30 - 22:00

​​​📍 Location: 6Corner Space, Taipei



​​🔮 Vivian

​​The founder of Starbase, a WEB3.0-focused accelerator, is dedicated to establishing a globalized innovation collaboration network. She will share with us "How can we help the TON startup teams capture low-cost traffic".

​​🐯 Tiger.M

​​CTO of Anome, who began to do mobile games during the Digital-Red era, and began to try to do semi-centralized card games in the Ethereum ecosystem in 2018. He has many years and rich experience in TCG projects. He will share with us Anome, a classic TCG game built on TG


​​🎓 Mentor Session 🎓

​​After the two speakers, it's time for Mentor Session!


​​What is a Mentor Session?

​​A Mentor Session is a chance for teams to get feedback from mentors on their projects. Mentors are experienced professionals who can provide guidance and support to help teams improve their work.

​​What will happen in a Mentor Session?

​​In a Mentor Session, teams will have the opportunity to:

  • ​​Share their project with mentors

  • ​​Get feedback on their project from different perspectives

  • ​​Ask questions about their project

  • ​​Get advice on how to improve their project

​​What are the different perspectives that mentors will provide?

​​Mentors will provide feedback on projects from three different perspectives:

  • ​​Business perspective: Mentors will assess the project's potential for commercial success. They will consider factors such as the project's target market, its competitive landscape, and its revenue model.

  • ​​Developer perspective: Mentors will assess the project's technical feasibility. They will consider factors such as the project's architecture, its code quality, and its security.

  • ​​Ecosystem participant perspective: Mentors will assess the project's potential to contribute to the Ton ecosystem. They will consider factors such as the project's compatibility with other projects, its potential to attract users, and its potential to generate value for the Ton community.

​​Why should you attend a Mentor Session?

​​Attending a Mentor Session is a great way to get feedback on your project from a variety of perspectives. This feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and make your project more successful.

​​At the end of the Mentor Session, there will be an important announcement about TonX. Don't miss it!



​​​🎓 18:30 - 19:00 - Registration and Welcome

​​​🎙 19:00 - 19:10 - Announcements and Updates for the Journey

​​​🔮 19:10 - 19:40 - How can we help the TON startup teams capture low-cost traffic — Vivian

​​​🐯 19:40 - 20:00 - ETCG on TG, financial experience for items via TON — Tiger.M

​​​⏞ 20:00 - 20:10 - Break Time

​​​🎓 20:10 - 21:00 - Mentor Session 1

​​​🎓 21:00 - 22:00 - Mentor Session 2


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​​​​​🚀 TON DEV Workshop TW #3 — 匕導者的啟瀺

​​​​歡迎參與我們䞉個月的 TON DEV Journey這是䞀堎對 TON 區塊鏈感興趣的開癌者而蚭蚈的掻動。我們將圚這次掻動䞭提䟛免費孞習課皋、䜿甚官方開癌工具 TonFura 的額床以及參加即將圚銙枯舉蟊的 TON Hacker House 掻動的機會。

​​​​📅 日期 2024 幎 3 月 8 日 18:30 - 22:00

​​​​📍 地點 台北陞角空間



​​🔮 Vivian

​​Starbase 的創始人䞀家以 WEB3.0 為䞭心的加速噚臎力斌建立党球化的創新合䜜網路。她將與我們分享劂䜕幫助 TON 初創團隊獲取䜎成本流量。

​​🐯 Tiger.M

​​Anome 的 CTO圚敞䜍時代開始補䜜手機遊戲䞊斌 2018 幎嘗詊圚以倪坊生態系統䞭補䜜半䞭心化的卡牌遊戲。他擁有倚幎豐富的 TCG 項目經驗。將會分享的是基斌TG構建的經兞TCG枞戲通過TON完成枞戲道具的党面金融體驗。


​​🎓 Mentor Session 🎓



​​Mentor Session 是什麌

​​Mentor Session 是團隊獲埗指導者對其項目反饋的機會。Mentor 是經驗豐富的專業人士可以提䟛指導和支持幫助團隊改善其工䜜。


​​Mentor Session 會癌生哪些事情

​​圚 Mentor Session團隊將有機會

  • ​​與 Mentor 分享他們的項目

  • ​​埞䞍同角床獲埗項目反饋

  • ​​詢問有關項目的問題

  • ​​獲埗劂䜕改善項目的建議


​​Mentor 將提䟛哪些䞍同的角床

​​Mentor 將埞䞉個䞍同的角床提䟛項目反饋

  • ​​商業角床指導者將评䌰项目商䞚成功的可胜性。他們會考慮諞劂項目的目暙垂堎、競爭栌局和收入暡匏等因玠。

  • ​​開癌者角床指導者將评䌰项目的技术可行性。他們會考慮諞劂項目的架構、代碌質量和安党性等因玠。

  • ​​生態系統參與者角床將評䌰項目為 Ton 生態系統做出貢獻的望力。他們會考慮諞劂項目與其他項目的兌容性、吞匕甚戶的望力以及為 TON 生態系創造價倌的望力等因玠。


​​為什麌悚應該參加 Mentor Session

​​參加 Mentor Session 是埞各皮角床獲埗項目反饋的奜方法。這些回饋可以垮助悚知道劂䜕改進讓䜠的項目曎成功。


​​圚 Mentor Session 結束埌將會有䞀個關斌 TonX 的重芁公告。圚 Mentor Session 結束埌泚意重芁的 TonX 公告請務必䞍芁錯過



​​​🎓 18:30 - 19:00 - 報到時間歡迎入堎

​​​🎙 19:00 - 19:10 - Journey 最新事項曎新

​​​🔮 19:10 - 19:40 - 劂䜕幫助 TON 初創團隊獲取䜎成本流量 — Vivian

​​​🐯 19:40 - 20:00 - 基斌TG構建的經兞TCG枞戲通過TON完成枞戲道具的党面金融體驗 — Tiger.M

​​​⏞ 20:00 - 20:10 - 䌑息時間

​​​🎓 20:10 - 21:00 - Mentor Session 1

​​​🎓 21:00 - 22:00 - Mentor Session 2


​​​🌐 關泚我們

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​​​👉 TempoX Twitter

陞角空間 6Corner Space
100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Jinhua St, 17號6æš“