TON DEV Demo Day TW ( Audience ) 的封面图片
TON DEV Demo Day TW ( Audience ) 的封面图片


欲報名 Demo Day 請按我

🚀 TON DEV Demo Day TW - 讓我們一起

​​​​歡迎參與我們三個月的 TON DEV Journey,這是一場對 TON 區塊鏈感興趣的開發者而設計的活動。我們將在這次活動中提供免費學習課程、使用官方開發工具 TonFura 的額度,以及參加即將在香港舉辦的 TON Hacker House 活動的機會。

​​​​📅 日期: 2024 年 3 月 15 日 18:30 - 22:00

​​​​📍 地點: 台北陸角空間

​​⏳ 截止時間: 2024 年 3 月 13 日 23:59 ( UTC+8 )

Demo Day

Demo 的時間終於來了!想要報名上台一展身手?想要看看今年高手們分別端出什麼好菜?無論參賽還是觀賽,都請不要錯過!


🏆 第一名:5000 等值 USD 投資基金

🎉 第二名:3000 等值 USD 投資基金

🏅 第三名:2000 等值 USD 投資基金

✔️ 還會有兩個香港來回的保送名額機會!

✈️ 除了可以直接獲得參加 Hacker House 的名額,也提供包含食宿與機票共 1000 美金!


填寫報名表單,我們會在 3/14 以前聯絡您!





💱 圍繞原生穩定幣的應用

📈 去中心化金融

🎮 遊戲與遊戲化應用

💡 創新應用


團隊背景 10% 🧑‍💼

代碼品質 20% 👨‍💻

創新性 20% 💡

用戶體驗 20% 📱

商業應用 20% 💼

表達能力 10% 💬


🔜 入場報到|:18:30-19:20

🎉 開場致詞|:19:20-19:30

🎬 Demo Time|:19:30-21:10
(每組團隊有 7 分鐘 Pitch + 3 分鐘評審QA)

⚖️ 評審時間|:21:10 - 21:30

🏅 講評頒獎|:21:30 - 21:45

🗣️ 自由交流時間|:21:45 - 22:00

​​​🌐 關注我們:

​​👉 Journey 活動網站

​​👉 Journey Event Twitter

​​👉 Journey Event 里程日曆

​​👉 TonX Studio Twitter

​​​👉 TonFura Twitter

​​👉 TempoX Twitter

🚀 TON DEV Demo Day TW - Let's Roll

Register Demo Day Now!


​​​Welcome to the TON DEV Journey. This event is designed for developers interested in the TON blockchain. We will provide free learning courses, an opportunity to use the official development tool — TonFura, and a chance to participate in the upcoming TON HackerHouse in Hong Kong.

​​📅 Date: March 15, 2024 | 18:00 - 22:00

​​​📍 Location: 6Corner Space, Taipei

​​⏳ Last submission time: March 13 23:59 ( UTC+8 )

​​Demo Day

The time for Demo is finally here!

Do you want to sign up to show off your skills? Do you want to see what the best developers have come up with this year? Whether you're competing or watching, don't miss it!


🏆 First place: USD 5,000

🎉 Second place: USD 3,000

🏅 Third place: USD 2,000

(equivalent investment fund)

✔️ There will also be two opportunities to be recommended to attend Hacker House!

✈️ In addition to directly obtaining a place to participate in Hacker House, we will also provide a total of 1000 USD including accommodation and airfare !

How to Participate and Demo my Project?

Fill out the registration form and we will contact you before March 14!

How to be in there?

Attend this event and you can watch the competition live!

Limited audience seats! First come, first served!​


💱 Native Stablecoin-based Applications

📈 DeFi

🎮 Gaming

💡 Innovation

Judging Criteria

Team background 10% ‍🧑‍💼

Code quality 20% 👨‍💻

Innovation 20% 💡

User experience 20% 📱

Business application 20% 💼

Communication skills 10% 💬


🔜 Check-In|:18:30-19:20

🎉 Opening Remarks|:19:20-19:30

🎬 Demo Time|:19:30-21:10
(Each team will have 7 minutes for pitching and 3 minutes for Q&A with the judges)

⚖️ Judging Time|:21:10 - 21:30

🏅 Award Ceremony|:21:30 - 21:45

🗣️ Networking|:21:45 - 22:00

​​🌐 Follow Us:

​​👉 Journey Event Website

​​👉 Journey Event Twitter

​​👉 Journey Event Calendar

​​👉 TonX Studio Twitter

​​​👉 TonFura Twitter

​​👉 TempoX Twitter

陸角空間 6Corner Space
100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Jinhua St, 17號6樓