TON and Telegram: 2023 Wrap Up Meetup
Invite you to TON End-year Netwokring Party!
Join us for delicious food, exciting events, and enjoyable networking. This gathering provides an opportunity to look back on the events of 2023 and celebrate our collective achievements. We look forward to having you for a festive and delightful year-end celebration!
📆 Date: Dec 19, 2023
⏰ Time: 19:00-22:00
📍 Venue: LBankLabs Lounge - 6F, 222, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (서울 강남구 봉은사로 222 AMC타워, 6층)
Sponsored by LBank Labs
19:00-19:40 Welcoming
19:40-20:00 TON Foundation Intro (Lucy, Korea Lead at TON Foundation)
20:00-20:30 Panel talk (주제: 2023 회고, 2024년 전망)
Shawn, Co-founder, TAP (TON Attendance Protocol)
Jeff, Co-founder, ION Finance
Rachel, COO, XRADERS, Kimpga
TK, Korea Country Manager, Hooked Protocol
20:30-22:00 Networking
What is TON?
TON(The Open Netwotk) is a decentralized and open internet, created by the community using a technology designed by Telegram.
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