Cover Image for A Conversation with Tim Flannery

A Conversation with Tim Flannery

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Join us on Zoom September 1st at 500pm Pacific where AirMiners will host Tim Flannery in a conversation with Katherine Vaz Gomes from the University of Pennsylvania about his interest in carbon removal, novel approaches in ocean and mineralization to draw down CO2, and future prospects for our industry.

Want to share your thoughts about AirMiners and Tim’s work to date? Feel free to send us a short video clip using this Dropbox link so we can splice together a montage at the top of the event.

For background, Tim is the Chief Councillor at the Australian Climate Council: Australia’s leading climate communications organization that “provides authoritative information, advice, and solutions about climate change” for Australian citizens. In his work he seeks to grasp the big picture of planetary evolution and how humans can affect it — for better or for worse.

And in 2019, he presented a TEDTalk on the main stage focused on the carbon removal potential of seaweed and kelp farming in the deep ocean. 

Also, In 2007, he was named “Australian of the Year”.

And Katherine Vaz Gomes is a Ph D. candidate in Chemical Engineering at the Clean Energy Conversions Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania. Katherine earned her undergraduate degrees in chemical engineering and professional writing from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Her current work focuses on carbon mineralization using mine waste feedstocks. Additionally, she is interested in direct air capture, corporate climate action plans, and communicating climate science to the public. 

See you there,

The AirMiners Team