Cover Image for Thesis Group Launch

Thesis Group Launch

Hosted by Transcend Network
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

At Transcend, we map every single founder to one of our Open Theses, by Transcend Network. Each one of these theses represents one global change in how we learn and work, and it helps us better understand the future that’s coming!

We’re launching Thesis Groups to connect you with other founders building in the same niche as you.

Each Thesis Group will meet ~3x per year to meet 20-40 founders building in your group. You will have a private Slack channel to connect, and we’ll add new fellows as they are welcomed into the community.

This is our kickoff event - an opportunity to meet one another and jam on present challenges (or opportunities!!) you are currently experiencing, and receive perspective from people who really get it most! Each group will be hosted by an OG fellow who will act as the bridge to all fellows within your thesis :)

Come join us!!!