Offline events and community hangouts to unplug, relax and connect with like-minded people. Take a break from your daily hustle and swap screen time for real time.
You have 0 events pending approval by the calendar admin.
They will show up on the schedule once approved
Offline Dinner | Love Shack | Winter Edition
By Ben Hounsell
Love Shack
Sold Out
Offline Hangout | London | XL Edition | Candlelight Piano
By Ben Hounsell
The Sherriff Centre
Sold Out
Offline Hangout | London | XL Edition | Candlelight Piano
By Ben Hounsell
The Sherriff Centre
Offline Zine-Making | London | Sunday Morning Workshop
By Ben Hounsell
The Bath House
Offline Zine-Making | London | Sunday Afternoon Workshop
By Ben Hounsell
The Bath House
Offline Hangout | London | XL Edition | Candlelight Piano
By Ben Hounsell
The Sherriff Centre
Offline Hangout | London | XL Edition | Candlelight Piano
By Ben Hounsell
The Sherriff Centre
Offline Hangout | London | XL Edition | Candlelight Piano