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Everything You Need To Know When Selecting A Retail Boxes Wholesale Supplier

Hosted by Lauren Maisy
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What Are Retail Boxes?

Retail boxes are packaging solutions designed to keep products clean, safe, and of good quality.

A package that will last in the retail environment must be sturdy, protective, and visible. It should also look attractive on store shelves or hung from a hook in the ceiling.

Wholesale retail packaging is available in many configurations, including single-packaging (like clamshells or blister packs), double-packaging, and bulk boxes.

  • Single-Packaging Retail Boxes: These include clamshells and blister packages. These options can be more expensive than alternative forms of packaging. However, the benefits outweigh the price tag. They're also more secure and provide a visual appeal that's more attractive than other options.

  • Double-Packaging Retail Boxes: This is the most common type of packaging, as it protects the product while remaining affordable. The first layer of packaging (shrink or paperboard) keeps out dust, debris, and water; it also looks very attractive on store shelves. The second layer of protective packaging, usually a plastic bucket or tray, holds the product in place and provides further protection from dust, debris, and water.

  • Bulk Boxes: These are big boxes that have been designed to look good, so they can be picked up from the shelf by customers. These retail display boxes allow a secondary layer (shrink or paperboard) further protects and secure individual products.

  • Bulk Retail Boxes: These boxes are designed to keep products safe during distribution, handling, and storage.

How Can You Search For The Best Retail Boxes Wholesale Suppliers?

Searching for a retail boxes wholesale supplier can be difficult. You can start by searching Google, but be aware that many retail packaging manufacturers call themselves "box suppliers." This means that the boxes they're providing are used for display purposes, not distribution or storage.

To find a list of reputable wholesale retail packaging manufacturers, start with trade associations and industry websites. Ask friends and family members for recommendations. Word of mouth is one of the most reliable ways to find a reputable supplier.

Retail Boxes Wholesale Suppliers: A Few Things To Look For

When you're searching for the best retail boxes wholesale suppliers, there are a few things you should look for in every potential partner. This includes price, style selection, and lead time for production.

  • Price is always important, but it's best to focus on finding reasonably priced boxes. You don't want prices to be so low that you sacrifice quality.

  • Style selection is also important because you'll want the retail boxes wholesale supplier to have custom retail boxes with logos and styles that are appropriate for your industry. For example, if your company sells clothing, look for retailers with a range of boxes designed specifically for clothing, not just general retail boxes wholesale suppliers.

  • Custom printed retail boxes can offer many benefits like marketing your business and enhancing your brand. Hence, it might help that your supplier offers these options. 

  • Lead time should be at least six weeks for production. It's best to allow more time than less when creating retail packaging. This is especially true if you want custom options or want a large order that requires higher quantities of materials.

What Are The Characteristics Of A Good Retail Boxes Wholesale Supplier?

You'll know that the retail boxes wholesale supplier is good if they have all these characteristics:

  • Familiarity with the industry you are operating in. If you're a clothing manufacturer, make sure your retail boxes wholesale supplier has experience with this particular industry.

  • Knowledge about the product or service you provide. You'll want to work with a company that's committed to knowing the ins and outs of your industry. This way, they can provide quality boxes that match the type of product or service you offer.

  • Knowledge about marketing and promotion strategies. Retail boxes wholesale suppliers should have a good understanding of how marketing works in general. They should create custom marketing materials, including retail packaging designed to match your company's specific marketing strategy.

  • A retail boxes wholesale supplier that is committed to quality and customer satisfaction. You want a company that will allow you to provide feedback and work together to make sure you're fully satisfied with the product or service provided by them. It may take time to find this type of company, but it's important to look for a retailer who is willing and dedicated to this type of service.

Tell-Tale Signs Of Bad Retail Boxes Wholesale Suppliers?

On the contrary, it can damage your business if you get stuck in a contract with bad retail boxes wholesale supplier. Here are some tell-tale signs that should raise some red flags in your head when selecting a supplier. 

  • This is bad if the supplier seems too cheap or doesn't have a minimum order quantity. It's not always necessary to create an order with thousands of boxes for your purposes. However, suppose the supplier discourages you from working together because you don't want such a large order. In that case, there's probably something fishy going on.

  • It's also bad if the supplier explains that they are too busy to do smaller scale orders or can't agree on a start date for your project. Some suppliers are just too busy, which might be normal when finding an appropriate retail boxes wholesale supplier. However, suppose you're turned down repeatedly because the supplier claims to be too busy. In that case, it will probably take a long time for you to receive the boxes.

  • A company that doesn't provide retail boxes wholesale supplier samples should also raise red flags in your head. You want to make sure the custom boxes are of good quality before you even begin working with them. If they're too expensive to risk making a mistake on, imagine how hard it will be to correct that later on.

  • Bad customer service is also something you should keep an eye out for. If the company doesn't want to meet your needs or make any changes because it will be too much work for them, you should not consider working together.

So there you go. We have covered some basics to help you choose a supplier and how to know if they're good or bad. We hope this has been helpful and wish you the best of luck with your retail boxes wholesale supplier!