Cover Image for Year End AirMiners 'Carbys' Celebration!

Year End AirMiners 'Carbys' Celebration!

Past Event
Suggested Donation
Pay what you want
Welcome! To join the event, please get your ticket below.
About Event

AirMiners is hosting a Year-end ‘Carbys’ holiday party!! We want to build our community by providing a capstone event to an excellent 2023 as the carbon removal industry achieves new heights.

Speakers include:

Heirloom CEO Shashank Samala

Rapper Baba Brinkman (from our May 2020 virtual conference!)

And (most importantly): YOU in our community lending your voice to our event!

Think of our event as ‘open mic day’ where we all share our own experiences and stories around values of AirMiners culture in 2023: Did you start a company, find a job, give help, get help?

Some of the things that make compelling stories are resilience, audacity, connection, and support. Stories can be about anything in carbon removal that was meaningful to you in BootUp, Launchpad, our Events, Community or elsewhere!!


Register here, then let us know whether or not you want to tell a story and we’ll reserve a spot for you. You’ll get 3 minutes to share your story with fellow AirMiners!

  • Doesn't matter if you take 30 seconds or 3 minutes: we would love for you to share your experience :-) 

  • No slides!!

Friendly suggestions for discussion for people who sign up:

  1. Initiative

  2. Resilience

  3. Audacity - going out and starting something new, start a new job, new company

  4. Environmental Justice

  5. Collaboration

  6. Pushing forward a discussion

Hope to see you there!

Tickets are free or $10 to support event carbon removal.