Cover Image for MUBC FRI SOCIAL
Cover Image for MUBC FRI SOCIAL
Presented by
Read Session Description & Disclaimer carefully. Bank transfer account: Name - Monash Badminton Club BSB - 063109 Account number - 13439003
60 Went
Past Event
Please click on the button below to join the waitlist. You will be notified if additional spots become available.
About Event

Pay before you play

$12 - Members

$15 - Public

Bank transfer and show payment screen upon arrival to the desk to complete your check in.

Number of Courts: 10

Court Allocation:

  • Higher numbered courts are for beginners players.

  • Lower numbered courts are for advanced players.

  • Committee has priority use for court 1 near the desk.

Click "Register", and enter your Name, Email, and Phone.

  • Once the registration limit is reached, you will be added to the waiting list.

  • People on the wait-list may be contacted via email or text to join on the day if there are cancellations.

  • Cancellation Policy:

    • If you’re unable to attend, please cancel 24 hours in advance via the event page, so someone else can take your spot.

    • If no substitute is found and the cancellation is made with less than 24 hours’ notice, your name will be flagged and a warning will be sent to you.

    • After 3 warnings, you will be blacklisted and banned from registering for future events.

  • Badminton Etiquette:

    • Please wear sportswear, badminton shoes, or non-marking shoes, bring your own racquets or lend one at the Monash Sport reception.

    • Avoid disrupting ongoing games or crossing over the courts.

    • Doubles games are preferred. Singles games can be played when time and space allow.

  • Shuttles:

    • New shuttles collected at the committee desk.

    • Please use the shuttles responsibly. After each game, pass any usable shuttles to the next group.

    • If you need a new shuttle, please bring the old one back to the basket near the desk to swap for a new one.

Participants should assess their physical condition to determine whether they are fit to play badminton and will participate at their own risk.

Monash Sport
Monash University Clayton Campus, 42 Scenic Blvd, Clayton VIC 3168, Australia
Stadium Hall
Presented by
Read Session Description & Disclaimer carefully. Bank transfer account: Name - Monash Badminton Club BSB - 063109 Account number - 13439003
60 Went