Cover Image for Workshop for Telos Developers: Integrating the Telos Cloud Wallet

Workshop for Telos Developers: Integrating the Telos Cloud Wallet

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About Event

Reach a larger audience with your Dapps by lowering the barrier to entry for new users.

With ORE ID’s easy onboarding solution, builders on the Telos ecosystem can now allow users to sign up for your blockchain application using only their email, social media or Google accounts. 

Join us for a free Telos Cloud Wallet and ORE ID integration workshop to learn how to add easy onboarding onto your app – without needing to have any blockchain development experience. 

In just 30 minutes, this workshop covers:

  1. Building a web app from an existing framework

  2. Adding easy-onboarding on to your app

  3. Registering your ORE ID account and credentials

  4. Creating a wallet on behalf of your customers, allowing them to sign transactions

Meeting link:

Meeting number: 2630 850 9783

Passcode: MwqvQJJb382 (69787552 from phones and video systems):