Cover Image for Masterclass: Rewiring your productivity workflow
Cover Image for Masterclass: Rewiring your productivity workflow
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Masterclass: Rewiring your productivity workflow

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Cassidy Williams is a highly productive person. She produces videos, courses, led a startup, runs workshops, has a successful newsletter, builds multiple side projects and does it all while keeping up with her active toddler. 

In this workshop, she’ll not only share how she produces so much work so consistently, but how you can do it too. 

In this action-packed workshop, we're going to be "rubber duck debugging" your brain to help you establish processes to get more done that you care about.

Bonus: You’ll get printable worksheets to use both during and after the session.

Cassidy will have exercises to get you thinking, and time to get your momentum kickstarted on what you want to work on. You’ll finally tackle the most important items on your todo list and create processes to reach your goals.

Cassidy will cover: 

  • Prioritization

  • Personal values

  • Intentional effort

  • Failure

  • Tools

  • And more!

This is going to be practical and hands-on to get you to actually execute on your projects so get ready to get to work. 

This is a two-hour-long Masterclass hosted by DiscoLink Club, a community of tech creators. Masterclass events are hosted monthly and are free for BCM Members. Membership is free and open to all tech creators - apply here to join. 

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Presented by
DiscoLink Club