Cover Image for 🏔️ Tech Flow Denver x Denver Startup Week
Cover Image for 🏔️ Tech Flow Denver x Denver Startup Week
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Presented by
Tech Flow
Сommunity of 550+ Russian-speaking startup founders, tech talents, marketing & sales professionals, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs in the USA.

🏔️ Tech Flow Denver x Denver Startup Week

Past Event
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About Event

Crossing Boundaries: Gain from Unique Immigrant Experiences in Entrepreneurship

As immigrants, we bring new ideas and unique experiences to this country. We're part of Tech Flow, a community of entrepreneurs, startup founders, tech talents, and investors. We're excited to share our fresh insights, which are new and valuable in the USA. Our experiences add to the country’s diversity, introducing new thinking and problem-solving methods.


1560 Broadway #1600, Denver, CO 80202, USA
Avatar for Tech Flow
Presented by
Tech Flow
Сommunity of 550+ Russian-speaking startup founders, tech talents, marketing & sales professionals, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs in the USA.