Climate "And": Mapping your Experience
In this 1 hour interactive session, join Gabrielle Beran, Interim director of Climate Action at the Centre for Public Impact as she
shares how she went from declaring that someone else could sort out the climate crisis to working in systemic climate action,
discusses what she knows about working at the intersections of climate change and other thematic areas,
and facilitates an interactive mapping exercise where participants will be encouraged to create a diagram of how their own experience is relevant, connected and essential to climate action.
Approximate session timing
Welcome (5 minutes)
Gabrielle introduces herself and what she’s learned about working at the intersection of climate and other topics (15 minutes)
Gabrielle explain her intersections map and outlines the process for creating one (5-10 minutes)
Participants create their own maps, including time to ask questions of Gabrielle and others in the session (20 minutes)
Come back together as a group and share any insights, things learned, new ideas that have emerged (10 minutes)
Final questions, comments, closing remarks (5 minutes)
About the speaker:
Gabrielle Beran is the interim Director of Climate Action at the Centre for Public Impact (CPI). Her past work spans the not-for-profit and public sectors in climate, economic development, gender and social inclusion, democratic accountability, infrastructure and fiscal governance. She has worked across the Pacific, Europe, Asia and Africa. Gabrielle holds an MSc from the London School of Economics and an LLB/BA from Victoria University of Wellington.
About CPI:
CPI is a global non-profit that reimagines government to work better for people and the planet. Working in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Aotearoa New Zealand, we use our skills as system thinkers, facilitators, designers, and project managers to improve collaboration across teams and sectors, foster cultures of experimentation and learning, and support changemakers to navigate complexity.
CPI‘s Climate Action team catalyses urban climate action worldwide through transformative, people-centred projects. We partner with governments of all scales, philanthropy, INGOs, think tanks, and communities on four systemic levers for transformative change:
Organisational transformation: We support governments in building capabilities, cultures, and structures that enable collective climate action across departments, sectors, and communities. We also help ecosystems and networks to thrive, acknowledging the necessity of strong, flexible relationships.
Information: We facilitate learning and deliver programmes that create the information ecosystem needed to enable decision-making, innovation, and creativity from climate leaders everywhere.
Systemic climate finance: We are exploring how a systemic approach to attracting and deploying capital can close the urban climate finance gap.
Community-government engagement: We help governments convene stakeholders to co-create compelling visions for resilient communities