Cover Image for TECH FOR GREEN Summit 科技向善峰会
Cover Image for TECH FOR GREEN Summit 科技向善峰会

TECH FOR GREEN Summit 科技向善峰会

Hosted by HiBlock & Vincent Lau
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New Territories
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我们诚挚地邀请您出席2025年“TECH FOR GREEN 科技向善峰会”,这场汇聚前沿科技与创新 理念的亚洲顶级盛会将在⾹港盛⼤召开。此次峰会将于2025年4⽉8⽇⾄9⽇在⾹港举⾏。
We are pleased to extend our heartfelt invitation for you to attend the 2025 TECH FOR GREEN Summit , an exclusive event that will bring together cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas. This prestigious summit will be held from April 8-9, 2025 in Hong Kong.

本次活动还包括主旨论坛、互动展区以及Demoday,为参与者提供深⼊探讨、展⽰创新技术和跨界合作 的机会。
The event will also include keynote forums, an interactive exhibition, and a DemoDay, providing participants with opportunities for in-depth discussions, showcasing breakthrough technologies, and fostering cross-industry collaboration.

详情More Details:

TECH FOR GREEN 2025 将汇聚全球领先的企业家、创新者、投资者和政策制定者,共同探讨和展⽰最新的⼈⼯智能 (AI)、区块链技术等前沿科技在推动可持续发展、环境保护及社会治理(ESG)⽅⾯的协同作⽤。盛 会将为来⾃全球的思想领袖提供⼀个交流和分享的平台,并为与会者提供学习和合作的机会。
TECH FOR GREEN 2025 will gather the world’s leading entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, and policymakers to explore and showcase the synergy between Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain technology, and other frontier technologies in advancing sustainable development, environmental protection, and social governance (ESG). The summit will provide a platform for thought leaders from around the globe to exchange ideas, offering attendees the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with the industry's top pioneers and innovators.

We sincerely hope you can join us to engage with global innovators and entrepreneurs, exploring the latest industry trends and future developments.


TECH FOR GREEN Summit Organizing Committee

峰会咨询群Enquiry Group:
TG Group:

@Vincent: vincentlauth ; @Susan 85265537191

DEMO DAY--2025香港科技向善峰会TECH FOR GREEN in HK

Project's Sector:

  • 生成式AI Generative

  • AI机器人 Robotics

  • 大数据&机器学习&云计算 Big Data & Machine Learning & Cloud ComputingAI Agent

  • 现实世界资产 RWA

  • 区块链 Blockchain

  • 绿色科技 ESG&GreenTech

Eligibility Criteria: (Must meet at least two of the following) 

  • 公司应拥有现有产品或解决方案,并能够在本土市场展示一定的市场表现,如客户获取、收入生成或投资到位。此类信息将在申请表中提交。
    The company should have existing products or solutions and demonstrate a certain level of market performance in its local market, such as customer acquisition, revenue generation, or secured investments. Such information will be submitted in the application form.

  • 至少拥有25万美元的平均年收入或已获得相同金额的投资
    At least $250,000 in average annual revenue or secured investment of the same amount.

  • 解决方案的技术可行性和执行力,有相关专利或公开发表的论文等做支持。
    Technical feasibility and execution capability of the solution, supported by relevant patents or published papers.

  • 对社会、环保及可持续发展的贡献,将亚洲扩展纳入未来18-24个月的发展计划中
    Contribution to society, environmental protection, and sustainable development, with plans to expand into Asia within the next 18-24 months.

Or Application Form: (Deadline-30 March)

免责声明 Disclaimer:

Please ensure that the information and materials submitted are true, reliable, and free from any infringement or legal risks. Please note that the information you provide to us may be made public in the future in accordance with our data protection policy. A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address that you provide

Please understand that we receive numerous applications, so we appreciate your patience as we work to process them as quickly as possible. Thanks!

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
New Territories