Evolution Land 新资产之夜,是由比特大陆,Hashkey,HashQaurk,Shield共同举办的Web3新资产配置交流酒会。拟定向邀请头部Web3专业资管机构,和私人银行、投资银行、财富管理、资管平台、家族办公室等一线资管机构,于4月14日齐聚香港,共同探讨Web3最前沿的科技创新和新资产的配置机会。
畅聊伴畅饮,您将在4月香港繁忙的Web3盛会季,与新旧顶级资管执牛耳机构和大咖相遇。我们期待与您一同开启独一无二的Evolution Land新篇章,共同见证新旧秩序交锋之际的新历史。
Evolution Land 新資産之夜,是由比特大陸,Hashkey,HashQaurk,Shield共同舉辦的Web3新資産配置交流酒會。擬定向邀請頭部Web3專業資管機構,和私人銀行、投資銀行、財富管理、資管平台、家族辦公室等壹線資管機構,于4月14日齊聚香港,共同探討Web3最前沿的科技創新和新資産的配置機會。
暢聊伴暢飲,您將在4月香港繁忙的Web3盛會季,與新舊頂級資管執牛耳機構和大咖相遇。我們期待與您壹同開啓獨壹無二的Evolution Land新篇章,共同見證新舊秩序交鋒之際的新曆史。
Evolution Land - New Asset Night, a Web3 new asset allocation networking reception co-organized by Bitmain, Hashkey, HashQaurk and Shield. We are going to invite head Web3 professional custodians, and traditional private banks, investment banks, wealth management, custodian platforms, family offices and other frontline custodians to gather in Hong Kong on April 14 to discuss the cutting-edge Web3 technology innovation and new asset allocation opportunities.
This evening, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the booming Web3 crypto economy, explore the quality asset allocation targets after the "Ethernet Shanghai Upgrade", and the new "crypto treasury bonds" opportunities under the bull market of Ethernet upgrade.
You will meet with the old and new top capital management executives and experts in the busy Web3 event season in Hong Kong in April. We look forward to opening a new chapter in the unique Evolution Land with you and witnessing a new history as the old meets the new.
Welcome and greetings, we look forward to your arrival!