Cover Image for Jewish Empowerment
Cover Image for Jewish Empowerment
Hosted By
6 Going

Jewish Empowerment

Hosted by Lauren Stein
Past Event
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About Event

What is going on with the world? Why is everyone obsessed with Israel and the Jews? What can be done about it?

If you're alive today, you've probably noticed that Israel has unfortunately been thrust into another war, and the world seems to be siding with gruesome murderers and rapists, because they are fighting against us. In an objective morality, that wouldn't make sense. But, here we are.

For decades, Jewish communities have fought against anti-Israel sentiment by pointing out that Israel is a democracy, gives rights to Arabs and LGBTQ, invents drip irrigation, and generally doesn't eat babies. Somehow, these arguments don't seem to work. In fact, maybe it's making things worse.

Why? What do people really want to hear?

And is our highest goal to convince the world that we are not the evil they (in every generation) claim we are? Or is there something that we can do, by focusing on our own mission, that would lead to them naturally seeing that we are not evil, but in fact bring light to the world?

What can we do differently?

In this course, we will explore exactly that. Instead of asking, "How can we fight antisemitism?" we will ask, "What's really going on? And what can we do about it?"

In these 6 sessions, we will discuss:

-What is the current context? Who are these "morally upright" activists, NGOs, and world organizations passing judgment on us?
-What is the historical context? Have Jews been through anything like this before? (at least a dozen times?)
-What is the spiritual context? Is this an anomaly, or are we following the path described in an ancient blueprint, and repeated throughout history accordingly? And if so, why?
-What can I personally do about this?

Get ready to see things in a completely different way. Get clear about who we are, why we're here, and how to respond to anti-Israel/antisemitic accusations (if you absolutely have to.)

Structure of this series:

-Before each session, you will receive text + audio to give you a new perspective
-Meet in an awesome group to discuss the topic
-Write feedback and answer questions to clarify and solidify your understanding

Lauren is also available for private sessions for anyone who is struggling with these issues.

This course is being offered as a pilot. The plan is to bring this to Jews worldwide through online versions. Because this is the beta version, it is being offered for free — we only ask for feedback throughout the process for analytics and to help make it better.

Thank you for helping to empower Jews, and thereby make the world a better place!

Central Jerusalem
Hosted By
6 Going