Top 10 Early-Stage Founder Mistakes & Networking

Past Event
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About Event

Join us for an exclusive side event during the VivaTech conference, where innovation meets inspiration. We've conducted in-depth interviews with founders and investors behind companies valued at over $10 billion, capturing their most profound insights.

This event will offer a unique opportunity to:

Learn from the Best:
Gain firsthand knowledge from industry leaders who have successfully navigated the challenges of scaling multi-billion dollar enterprises.

Network with Visionaries:
Connect with like-minded professionals, potential collaborators, and investors who are shaping the future of technology and business.

Engage in Thought-Provoking Discussions:
Participate in interactive sessions that delve into the strategies and mindsets that drive exceptional growth and innovation.

Approval required
Limited capacity! Register ASAP to secure your spot. We will prioritise promising early-stage founders (pre-product, pre-seed and seed).


  • ​6:30 - 8:00 pm, networking

  • ​8:00 - 8:30 pm, "Top 10 Early Founder Mistakes" talk + audience contributions!

  • ​8:30 - 10:00 pm, networking

Event Organisers

  • helping early-stage founders build and iterate 2x faster at fraction of the cost.

  • Yorkseed: Exclusive global venture community for founders and investors by Jessica Sophia Wong. We bridge entrepreneurs and investors while linking founders to diverse markets and establishing global hubs to expand investor reach.

  • KRYPTOSPHERE: the leading student blockchain club in France, with over +800 members in over 22 schools.


Kalamari is an award-winning, cross-border PR agency (US & Europe) that amplifies clients' voices in media, TV, radio, podcasts, and online to support their growth. We believe technology, ideas, and people can build a better world and society. We nurture leading voices to drive necessary changes for our society. 

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23 Av. Victoria, 75001 Paris, France