Cover Image for Support/Susține! Cine ține sus SUUNA? Who keeps SUUNA up?
Cover Image for Support/Susține! Cine ține sus SUUNA? Who keeps SUUNA up?
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SUUNA Community
SUUNA is where communities of exceptional teachers and wisdom carriers come together. Here, you truly belong.
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Support/Susține! Cine ține sus SUUNA? Who keeps SUUNA up?

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About Event

Support your friends, and listen to their ideas.
Go to their events. Buy what they're
selling when you can. Share their posts.

Celebrate their victories & remind them
of their importance after their
failures. Push them. A little support can
go a very long way. That's what
community means. Don't shy away from
showing your peers what you create and
open to the real world, which is made of
endless synchronicities.

SUUNA is a multi-platform community for communities.

It supports creators with everything they need to offer their gifts to theri communities and to amplify their offerings and increase their discoverability.

SUUNA earns a small comission from each ticket sale but lately that has not been enough to support our monthly operational costs.

Please consider supporting SUUNA choosing a ticket type from above. These are all one-time payments.

If you would like to support via a recurring monthly donation, you can do so here -

Avatar for SUUNA Community
Presented by
SUUNA Community
SUUNA is where communities of exceptional teachers and wisdom carriers come together. Here, you truly belong.
Hosted By