Cover Image for 💭 Once Upon a Story
Cover Image for 💭 Once Upon a Story
Avatar for Epic Llama
Presented by
Epic Llama
Making boring brilliant!
Hosted By
28 Going
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About Event

Once Upon a Story is a one-of-a-kind experience designed to get people together through the shared power of storytelling. It’s a fun, creative, and cozy evening of stories and connections with friends you haven’t met yet. 💭

It’s for dream-weavers, connection-seekers, and the endlessly curious. 🌀

We're handpicking 30 people for this edition to make it cozy. There will be more to come! Thank you so much for your support so far. 


〄 intro, warm-ups, getting cozy 
〄 small group rounds with our themed questions 
〄 first round of stories 
〄 break, chill, stretch a bit, hummus 
〄 second round of stories
〄 reflection, goodbye, hugs

We'll also have light snacks to keep the energy going 🫒

🎟️ If you are facing financial challenges, feel free to use the code ‘YOUROCK20’ for a 20% discount. 🎟️


I'll start hosting these events in awesome spaces (cafes, homes, parks) around the city. This edition will take place in my cozy home in Berlin (Near Maybachufer). The exact address will be shared 24h before via email.


We're looking for people who are interested in telling a story to the group. Requirements: none. This is a space to practice, push your comfort zone a bit, and exist as you are. Whether you're a seasoned storyteller or have never spoken in public before, this is for YOU.

Let us know if you're up for this when you sign up. The theme for this event is will be revealed 24h before the event, and your story should relate to the topic, somehow. We'll also have a space for spontaneous storytellers during the event ;)


🗣️ "Wonderful how I entered a room full of strangers and left by hugging a bunch of new friends <3" - Marijn

🗣️ " Attending Karam’s Once Upon a Story event was like emotional CrossFit for the soul (but with more hugs and less sweat). The theme of “your firsts” was a masterstroke, turning vulnerability into a superpower. Worth every penny and minute—definitely a highlight of my healing journey. If you need a mental health boost wrapped in humor, Karam’s mind blowing hummus and heartfelt vibes, Karam’s your guy!" - Sharon

🗣️ "As a newcomer in Berlin, the fact that 30 strangers meet in a house on a Wednesday to spent an evening fills my heart with hope that there is still a longing of interaction in this rather disconnected world. I come from an academic background, so being surrounded by creatives inspired me add another lens when I do in my work. I appreciate every person that shared their stories and were just present there. All the best!" - Adri

🗣️ "Couldn't recommend enough. It's rare events like these that are what life is about! Genuine connection, openness, vulnerability and curiosity is how I'd describe the feeling I had. Even if you're introverted or shy, it still feels like a safe enough space that doesn't get overstimulating and the spotlight doesn't have to be on you if you don't want it to. So take a leap of faith and join if you can!" - Anonymous

Personal Note 👋

I’ve been obsessed with human connection and storytelling ever since I started creating content. I’ve met the most incredible humans by simply listening to their stories.

My favorite part of my journey as a creator is talking to you... in the comments, in the DMs, face to face. These connections are what inspire me to do what I do. And I'd love to bring that same magic to you. This event is a step forward in that direction. Exciting times are coming for us! Thank you for being part of this, Karam 


• Can I come alone?
Of course, in fact, I highly encourage it.

• Can I be late?
Please don't! "Doors" open at 18:30 and we start at exactly 19:00! Late arrivals will disrupt the flow of the event.

• Can I get a refund if I can't make it?
Due to short notice, unfortunately I can't offer refunds because I cannot refill your spot again.

• How many people will there be?
About 30 awesome humans

• I'm very introverted. Is this for me?
Absolutely, i think it's pefect for you. You'll be greeted right from the start and guided through the entire experience. This isn't your typical event.

• Can I tell a story?
Please do, we’re waiting for it :) 

• My ticket is pending, what does that mean?
I'll be approving people for the event. If the spots fill out and you don't get a spot, the transaction will not go through. Just wait a few days and you'll see that the money never left your bank.  


I partnered with my friends over at Epic Llama to cook up this experience. They've been designing out-of-the-box human connection events for years (and are really good at it). 💙

🔥 Carefully designed by Epic Llama for Karamintheworld

12 Berlin, Germany
Exact location to be shared 24h before the event!
Avatar for Epic Llama
Presented by
Epic Llama
Making boring brilliant!
Hosted By
28 Going