Cover Image for Building A Successful Career In Design: Pivoting from Beginner to Senior Role!

Building A Successful Career In Design: Pivoting from Beginner to Senior Role!

Hosted by Swarm, Quics from Swarm & Pia Besmonte
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About Event

Join us for a fireside chat on how to make it in the design industry, led by professionals with years of experience in the field! 🎨 We'll be hearing from Hakeem Olasupo, Ikoojo Ameji, Olanshile Salami, and Samuel Iweibo about how they began designing, being a professional designer, what it's like as a designer in a senior role and more.

This is your chance to learn about how to make your design dreams a reality. Three active participants will also be rewarded with a mentorship call with each of the speakers! 💫