Cover Image for Speed Networking for Climate Startups
Cover Image for Speed Networking for Climate Startups
Avatar for Impact Zero: Explore Series
Hosted By
39 Going
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

This Explore Series event is meant to connect climate innovators with corporate sustainability professionals - bridging the communication gap to build solutions together

Event Format
One group of 20 people will be seated on one side of the table, 20 people will move from one spot to the next every 5 minutes. This gives each person roughly 2 minutes to share what they are interested in and what they do at work.

After each person connects, they will mark down whether they’d like to be connected with their partner or not.

After the event, Impact Zero’s team will share contact information for participants who marked each other “yes”!

Event Agenda
6:30-7:00 Registration & Welcome
7:00-8:00 Speed Networking!
8:00-8:30 Drinks & Pizza

What is the Explore Series?
Skills training and networking created specifically for climate businesses, so you feel confident generating revenue and finding partners to fund your climate work!

372 Bay St.
Toronto, ON M5H 2W9, Canada
Avatar for Impact Zero: Explore Series
Hosted By
39 Going