Aiming High in Spacetech: Opportunities for the UK
Aiming High: Opportunities for UK Aerospace & Spacetech
Yes, it is rocket science!
Spacetech is one of the UK’s fastest-growing industries. Join us at Level39 (22 October 2024 at 6PM) as we explore how (and if) the UK can emerge as a global leader in spacetech.
This event brings together investors, operators, and industry experts to discuss investment opportunities, innovations, and the role of public-private partnerships in accelerating the sector’s growth.
Whether you're looking to understand if you should build a rocket, or are simply keen to connect with key players, this event is your gateway to the next big thing in UK space innovation. Expect productive networking with top experts, canapes and drinks, and a taste of what the UK’s spacetech ecosystem has to offer.
The event is being organised in collaboration with:
European Space Agency - https://www.esa.int/
Slingshot Aerospace - https://www.slingshot.space/
Oxford VC Network - https://oxvc.org/
Seraphim Space - https://seraphim.vc/
Deloitte Space - https://www.deloitte.com/uk/en/what-we-do/capabilities/content/innovation/content-hub/spacetech.html
EmergeOne - https://emergeone.co.uk/
Nothing Ventured - https://nothingventured.tech/
Level39 - https://level39.co/
Secure your ticket today!
Join our community here: https://www.londonvcnetwork.com/
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