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Kuala Lumpur
APEX KL 2024 - Born To Be Bored
Hosted by DmTay, kimchi & dindin
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About Event
🦍Born to be Bored🦍 MYBW 🇲🇾
Hosted by APEX
Welcome Abored! Why being a human when you can be an ape?
Join us at the APEX Gathering during Malaysia Blockchain Week. This isn't just a party—it's a unique opportunity to mingle with Yuga leadership and connect with fellow enthusiasts.
📅 Date: 30th July 2024(Tue)
🕔 Time: 7 PM - 12 AM
🏠 Venue: Luuma, Kuala Lumpur
📒 Registration: 50usd/ ticket
Ape holders register on Tokenproof: https://tokenproof.xyz/event/mac-apex-2024
Enjoy great food, drinks, and vibes. A very special thanks to Boredslots, ThankApe, MalaysiaApeClub, MYBW, and ApeCoinDAO!
🎟️ RSVP now! Space is limited. We can't wait to see you there!