Cover Image for 《别慌》英文版新书发布会 Book Launch for "Salvation Lies Within"
Cover Image for 《别慌》英文版新书发布会 Book Launch for "Salvation Lies Within"
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《别慌》英文版新书发布会 Book Launch for "Salvation Lies Within"

Hosted by BPF 2024
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由妈妈别哭基金会、新加坡传承学院、清华大学出版社、星岛善萌联合举办的新书发布会以庆祝《Salvation Lies Within》的问世。这本书是叶志刚老师的最新作品,书中每一个字都深切地来自他的创举,到处是来之不易的成功,许多话甚至是用血写的。书中展示了一系列教育难题的解决历程,书中经过实践检验的教育哲学俯拾皆是,令人惊叹。这些实践很多都是创举,许多开创性的教育理念和教育哲学也是第一次公开发表。我们相信这本书不仅会吸引广大读者,同时也会在教育,慈善,养老等领域产生重要影响。

The book launch for "Salvation Lies Within" hosted by the Mom Don’t Cry Foundation, Next-gen Academy, Tsinghua University Press and Alliance for Good,celebrates the release of Yes Gunn's latest work. Deeply personal and forged from challenges, this book showcases solutions to educational dilemmas and introduces innovative educational philosophies tested by practice. It marks the first public presentation of many pioneering ideas in education. The book is expected to captivate a wide readership and make a significant impact across education, charity, and elder care sectors.










Author Profile: Yes Gunn is a legendary figure in contemporary education, renowned for his pioneering services in training family heirs and providing ultimate solutions to a wide array of educational crises. Over the past two decades, Gunn has developed successors for more than 300 families, guiding heirs to discover their life goals and solving issues of motivation. He has been hailed as a "Mentor" by China Daily, drawing parallels to the wise educator in Greek mythology who was trusted by Odysseus to tutor his son. Gunn's teaching methods are both captivating and profound, offering lifelong lessons to his students. He earns the respect of both students and parents through compelling truths rather than preachy lessons and is revered as the "Godfather" of education by family leaders. As an innovator tackling the steep challenges of education, Gunn continuously provides solutions to the myriad problems faced by family legacies, adeptly concluding educational disasters with a personal touch. A fundamentalist at heart, Gunn advocates for a return to the roots of education, assisting children in finding their own life purposes. His unique personality and perspective remain untainted by mainstream views, always offering a fresh look at the world. His steadfast and bold character has laid a path filled with individuality and honor for future generations. Gunn's legendary journey is chronicled in "The Godfather of Peking University" and "Salvation Lies Within" offering the educational field unparalleled practical insights and profound philosophical reflections.


《Salvation Lies Within》是叶志刚老师教育思想和实践的小结。书中不仅揭示了各种教育灾难的解决方案,更以全新的视角探讨了以下问题:














Book Introduction: "Salvation Lies Within" is a succinct summary of Yes Gunn's educational philosophy and practice. Beyond presenting solutions to various educational challenges, the book delves into new perspectives on critical issues:

What common problems afflict today's youth?

What are they missing?

Who is responsible for conditions such as autism, depression, internet addiction, rebellion, and suicide?

Why are these issues on the rise? Where do these problems originate?

What is their impact on families?

How significantly do they harm society and the nation?

How can these issues be addressed?

What are the misconceptions in current solutions?

What is the ultimate goal of education?

How should educators guide children?

Towards what direction should this guidance aim? I

ndeed, Yes Gunn has discovered his own answers to these pressing questions.


3.00PM-3.30PM 志愿者引导嘉宾和媒体入场

3.30PM-3.40PM 妈妈别哭基金会创始人讲话

3.40PM-3.50PM 宗俊峰书记讲话

3.50PM-4.00PM 传承学院创始人讲话

4.00PM-4.10PM 作者叶志刚分享

4.10PM-4.50PM 神秘嘉宾分享

4.50PM-5.00PM 读者分享

5.00PM-5.30PM 作者叶志刚答疑

5.30PM-7.30PM 私人晚宴

Event Schedule for Monday, March 25, 2024:

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Volunteers guide guests and media to their seats

3:30 PM - 3:40 PM Speech by the founder of Mom Don’t Cry Foundation

3:40 PM - 3:50 PM Speech by Secretary Zong Junfeng

3:50 PM - 4:00 PM Speech by the founder of Next-gen Academy

4:00 PM - 4:10 PM Sharing by author Yes Gunn

4:10 PM - 4:50 PM Sharing by mystery guests

4:50 PM - 5:00 PM Sharing by readers

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Q&A session with author Yes Gunn

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Private dinner

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