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In a world where 2 million plastic bags are used every minute and scientists warn that there could be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050, innovators and entrepreneurs are looking for solutions driving towards a circular economy in the plastic industry. To bring our Yale community closer to the expert in sustainable plastics, Tsai CITY and CBEY welcome you to the first Planetary Innovator Speaker Series event in this academic year. On November 10th, Dr. Jan-Georg Rosenboom, a polymer scientist at MIT, will present the state of art in the biopolymer and sustainable plastics field and share his insights on the current and future plastics industry at Tsai CITY. Dr. Rosenboom has been actively working on bioplastics and promoted its commercialization since his Ph.D. at ETH Zurich. With Dr. Rosenboom’s strong expertise, Yalies will gain a deeper understanding on sustainable plastics and identify potential solutions and opportunities for circular economy.

The series will highlight people who are innovators in the broadest possible sense of the word: from entrepreneurs to researchers to activists to investors. Speakers could be anyone working on an innovative solution to some aspect of the climate and environmental crisis, with an active effort being taken to invite speakers representing a wide range of diverse backgrounds. A special focus of this series is to elevate missing voices in the current innovation ecosystem and center them in the conversation, for example, those taking action internationally and at the grassroots level. The series is envisioned to have a hybrid (in-person and remote) format. This could mean bringing in speakers remotely and hosting in-person viewing sessions, with other creative and flexible formats as options.