Cover Image for Volunteer Friday @ Grounds Krewe!
Cover Image for Volunteer Friday @ Grounds Krewe!
Avatar for Grounds Krewe
Presented by
Grounds Krewe
Waste prevention, recycling, and sustainable products for NOLA events
Hosted By
7 Went
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

​Come help us build a more sustainable Mardi Gras by crafting some of our latest sustainable throw alternatives! If you've ever wanted to get involved with our mission to create a more sustainable NOLA event culture, this is it! Stop by anytime in the four hour window to learn more about our mission and help us make it a reality.

3962 Magazine St
New Orleans, LA 70115, USA
Avatar for Grounds Krewe
Presented by
Grounds Krewe
Waste prevention, recycling, and sustainable products for NOLA events
Hosted By
7 Went