AI Debate: Acceleration vs. Safety
Join the SuperHuman Society for our first AI Debate: Acceleration vs. Safety
This debate series will involve polarizing topics surrounding artificial intelligence. This first debate will pit two general perspectives on AI development against one another: Acceleration vs. Safety. Should we attempt to avoid catastrophe by taking more cautious approach to AI development? Or should we seek to quickly capitalize on the potential benefits of AI by accelerating development?
This debate promises to be an enriching experience for AI enthusiasts, skeptics, and curious minds alike. It's an opportunity to challenge perspectives, sharpen arguments, and explore the best options for our collective future.
Event Structure:
Opening Argument Preparation (10 minutes): Each team will work together to craft their opening statements.
- Opening Arguments (up to 3 minutes per team): One representative from each side will present their team’s opening stance.
- Ongoing Debate:
- A coin toss will determine which team presents next.
- The first team will have 3 minutes to plan and then 3 minutes to present their rebuttal, strengthening of an opening argument, or a new argument.
- The second team will have 3 minutes to plan and then 3 minutes to present their rebuttal.
- This alternating format will continue until the event concludes, or until one team concedes.
In order to best facilitate debate, this event will have limited attendance compared to our other events. Stay on the look out for our future debates!
Please arrive within the first 15 minutes of the event in order to facilitate the start of the debate. Access will be closed after 6:45.
Superhuman Society aims to reimagine our relationship with technology, advocating for the intentional design of systems that enhance our human potential and dignity.