Q-Immuno 2025

Hosted by Ursule Demaël & 3 others
Approval Required
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Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

We are excited to invite you to the 3rd edition of London Quantitative Immunology Day on the 10th of April 2025 at UCL’s Institute for Immunity and Transplantation (IIT) in Hampstead Heath. This community day aims to bring together all researchers interested in quantitative, mathematical or computational approaches to immunology, from London and beyond.

The keynote speakers this year are Thomas Höfer (DKFZ Heidelberg University), Xiaowen Chen (Ecole Normale Superieure CNRS), and Pietro Sormanni (Cambridge University)

We are now open for submissions to contribute, in the form of a short talk, whiteboard talk or poster. We especially encourage students and early career researchers to bring their work forward by submitting an abstract! The day will feature talks and lots of time for socialising, with drinks at the end of the day!

 Registration is entirely free but needed to help us gauge attendance- sign up below and use this form to submit your abstract. You can find further details on our webpage https://qimmuno.com/ldnday/ 

We look forward to welcoming you on the 10th of April and emphasize that this event is open to researchers from all backgrounds: immunology, cell biology, evolution, systems biology, physics of living systems, bio-mathematics, etc… 

Pears Building
London NW3 2PP, UK