Cover Image for Monthly Content Planning for Freelancers
Cover Image for Monthly Content Planning for Freelancers
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Monthly Content Planning for Freelancers

This is a multi-session event. Please choose the sessions you would like to register for.
About Event

β€‹πŸ“† What is it?

​A monthly free virtual coworking event designed for freelancers keen on staying ahead in their marketing game in a structured, friendly environment.

​We (Ece and Anise) both believe in the power of the freelancer community, especially when tackling things that make us feel vulnerable or uncomfortable.

​We recommend joining Emma's Free Monthly Planning Workshops ahead of these coworking sessions.

β€‹πŸš€ How it works?

​A space for you to map out your marketing activities for the upcoming month.

  • ​Get comfy and ready - Get the confidence and creativity juices flowing with a guided activity.

  • ​Review and preview - Decide what you want to/need to talk about your business offers and services.

  • ​Plan and create - Start planning your social media posts, newsletter topics, or blog titles for the upcoming month. We will provide some prompts for inspiration.

  • ​Share and celebrate - Everyone's favourite part. Feel accomplished, supported and ready to move towards your goals.

​What to expect?

  • ​Casual & Relaxed Atmosphere: This session is designed to be laid-back and stress-free. Feel free to participate as much or as little as you like. Cameras and mics are completely optional, so you can engage in whatever way makes you feel comfortable.

  • ​Before the event: To maximize our session together, consider attending Emma’s Monthly Planning sessions beforehand. Alternatively, dedicate 15-20 minutes on your own to reflect on the past month and identify your business and marketing focuses for the upcoming month.

  • ​After the event: Given that 60 minutes flies by, we encourage you to reserve some additional time after our session to further flesh out your plans and content.

β€‹πŸ€ Your Hosts

​Ece – A community and events consultant. She has hosted hundreds of virtual coworking sessions over the past three years. She is the happiest when bringing people together, and creating spaces where freelancers can collaborate, share, and grow.

​Anise – A resilience coach. She specializes in creating spaces where individuals and teams feel recharged, confident, and supported. She helps people overcome mental blocks and build confidence.

β€‹πŸ“š In partnership with: Freelancer Magazine

​The 100-page magazine giving you access to learn from and connect with the world's best freelance business community.

Join Freelancer Magazine Virtual Coworking - Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

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