Samantha Demers

I help creators get clear on their mission, get over their imposter syndrome and learn how to create consistently. Let's connect on Twitter!


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How to get over imposter syndrome (25 min interview)

Samantha Demers: Imposter Syndrome – You Are Not Alone and You Can Work Through It

My Story...

For years I wanted to create content and share my thoughts with the world. I had half-written blog posts, book ideas and outlines, but I didn’t take any action.

I never shared my thoughts online and never created content of any kind.

I had ideas, but I thought they were stupid or had been said before. I thought no one would like what I had to say or people would look down on me.

Finally realizing my fears, insecurities and imposter syndrome weren't going away on their own, I decided to start writing and sharing on Twitter in March 2021.

I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't have a niche, didn't have an audience, and didn't have a voice.

Overtime, I gained confidence, built an audience and started hosting live audio shows in Twitter Spaces.

The more I created, the more ideas I had. The more I shared, the more people reached out to me and invited me to speak on their podcasts and YouTube channels or contribute to their newsletters and articles.

The more I helped others, the more people messaged me asking me to help them on their journey.

The truth is, no one gives you permission to be a creator.

There's nothing to earn, no degrees needed, no scorecard or point-system.

No one is coming to say "You! Be a Creator!"

You have to give yourself permission to create. Permission to experiment. Permission to test things out and see what sticks.

You can get over your imposter syndrome, perfectionism, inner critic and create content that you love.

You just need to step out and start doing it.

My book, The Creator’s Guide to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, will be released in early 2022.