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Global Payment in Web 3

Hosted by PlatON
Past Event
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About Event

In recent years, Web3 has been in full swing, with endless promising tracks that provide a broad space of creativity for high-caliber talents worldwide and stimulate their passion for innovation. Hong Kong's efforts to evolve into an international virtual assets center also need to rely on the development of the Web3 ecosystem.

The "Global Payment in Web3" sub-forum will focus on the application of blockchain technology in the payment field. Through thought-provoking speeches and discussions between guests from different backgrounds such as the banking industry, acquiring institutions, issuing institutions, and the gaming industry, the forum will explore whether new payment standards based on blockchain ledgers and Payment Tokens will transform our definition of “money”. As the organizer of this sub-forum, with great enthusiasm, we look forward to your attendance. In Hong Kong, we will explore the future together!


主题为“全球Web3支付创新论坛”的分论坛将聚焦区块链技术在支付领域的应用,通过来自银行业、收单机构、发卡机构、游戏行业等不同背景嘉宾的精彩发言与思维碰撞,分析和展望未来基于区块链账本和Payment Token的新型支付标准是否会彻底改变世界对“钱”的定义。作为本次分论坛的主办方,我们满怀热忱,诚邀您的莅临,期待与您共会香江,共展未来!


Keynote speech

14:00-14:20 - Lilin Sun | PlatON Founder
Topos: Tokenized Open Payment Operating System

14:20-14:40 - Chen Yu | YeePay, President and co-founder
2023: Web2.0 Payment Marching to Web3.0

14:40-15:00 - Lucas Huang | NetDragon, Head of Casual Games Division
Challenges and Opportunities for Games in the Web3 and AI Era

Panel discussion

15:00-15:40 New Payment Practices in Web 3

  • Louis Liu | FOMO Pay Founder&CEO

  • Feng Liu | BODL Ventures, Founding Partner

  • Kelvin Li | Ant Group, Head of Global Fund Platform

Keynote speech

15:50-16:10 - Robert McCracken | Alchemy Pay Ecosystem Lead
Hong Kong: Asia’s New Frontier for Crypto Payments

16:10-16:30 - Angus Chiu | Txnhub CO-founder
A transaction hub to bridge Web2 and Web3

16:30-16:50 - Laurence Yuan | Fangda Partners Partner
Legal Regulation of Stablecoins

Panel discussion

16:50-17:30 Payment Infrastructures in Web 3

  • Ashley Paulus | Checkout,Global Director, Customer Success, Crypto

  • Kelvin Li | Ant Group, Head of Global Fund Platform

  • Paul Li | Banking Circle(Beijing)Information Technology Company Limited(General Manager Greater China Region)

  • Tiena Sekharan | JPMorgan Chase, Vice President, Head of Digital Assets EcosystemBusiness Development ,Onyx, Coin Systems

  • Peet Chen | Trusta Labs CEO & Co-founder


Keynote speech

14:00-14:20 - 孙立林 | PlatON创始人

14:20-14:40 - 余晨 | 易宝支付联合创始人&总裁

14:40-15:00 - 黄振辉 | 网龙休闲游戏事业部负责人

Panel discussion


  • 刘溪 FOMO Pay创始人&CEO

  • Hanks | CNHC 副总裁

  • 刘锋 | BODL Ventures合伙人

  • 黎粤 | 蚂蚁集团全球资金平台总经理

Keynote speech

15:50-16:10 - Robert McCracken | Alchemy Pay 生态负责人

16:10-16:30 - 赵汝樂 | Txnhub 联合创始人

16:30-16:50 - 袁旻 | 方达律师事务所合伙人

Panel discussion

Web 3 中的支付基础设施

  • 黎粤| 蚂蚁集团全球资金平台总经理

  • 李国樑 | Banking Circle大中华区总经理

  • Ashley Paulus | Checkout 全球Crypto业务负责人

  • Tiena Sekharan | 摩根大通代币系统数字生态负责人

  • Peet Chen | Trusta Labs首席執行官 & 創始人

About “Global Payment in Web3” Forum:

With the rapid development of blockchain technology and the digital economy, blockchain payment, as an emerging payment method, has stimulated wide attention and research efforts. While bringing revolutionary changes to the global payment system, blockchain payment has also injected great vitality into the financial industry. Globally, blockchain payment has been widely used in fields including cross-border payment, and is becoming a major driving force†for the digital economy.

Global Payment in Web 3, a major sub-event of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023, has invited big-name guests from around the world to share their research results and good practices and discuss the technical challenges, business models, compliance and other related issues of payment in Web3. Through thought-provoking discussions between guests from different backgrounds such as the banking industry, acquiring institutions, issuing institutions, and the gaming industry, the forum will explore whether new payment standards based on blockchain ledgers and Payment Tokens will transform our definition of “money”.

About PlatON Network

PlatON, initiated and driven by the LatticeX Foundation, is a next-generation Internet infrastructure protocol based on the fundamental properties of blockchain and supported by the privacy-preserving computation network. “Computing interoperability” is its core feature. By building a computing system assembled by Verifiable Computation, Secure Multi-Party Computation, Zero-Knowledge Proof, Homomorphic Encryption, and other cryptographic algorithms and blockchain technology, PlatON provides a public infrastructure in open source architecture for global artificial intelligence, distributed application developers, data providers, and various organizations, communities and individuals with computing needs.



作为“2023 香港 Web3 嘉年华”的重要活动,「全球Web3支付创新论坛(Global Payment in Web3)」主题论坛邀请了来自全球的多位重量级嘉宾,分享他们的研究成果和实践经验,探讨Web3支付的技术挑战、商业模式、合规监管等相关问题。通过来自银行业、收单机构、发卡机构、游戏行业等不同背景嘉宾的精彩发言与思维碰撞,分析和展望未来基于区块链账本和Payment Token的新型支付标准是否会彻底改变世界对“钱”的定义。

