AI Salon Nagoya @ STATION Ai "TechGALA" (official side event)
What is AI Salon Nagoya?
AI Salon is a global community by and for AI-focused founders, builders, investors, and enterprise partners. This time, as a side event of TechGala, we will be hosting AI Salon Nagoya in Nagoya for the first time. Come for the community and to learn about the most recent applications in AI!
AI Salonは、AIに特化した創業者、開発者、投資家、事業会社によるグローバルコミュニティです。今回、TechGalaのサイドイベントとして初めて名古屋でAI Salon Nagoyaを開催します。AI×社会実装にご関心のある方はぜひご参加ください!
February 3, 2025 Agenda
18:00 Doors open:
Receptions at STATION Ai 3F/受付はSTATION Ai 3F
Please take the elevator located in front of the FamilyMart on the 1st floor to the 3rd floor./1Fファミリーマート正面にあるエレベーターで3Fへお上がりください。
18:30 - 18:45 Community and supporter announcements:
Ilya Kulyatin @ Tokyo AI (TAI) / AI Salon Tokyo (AIST)
Yusuke Kaga @ JETRO / AI Salon Tokyo (AIST)
Hiroshi Nemoto @ STATION Ai / DEEPCORE
Yusuke Tanaka @ Givin' Back
18:45 - 19:30 Pitch & Presentation:
Ryota Yamada @ fuku Inc.
Toshi Ichikawa @ Tetra Tokyo Inc.
Ryunosuke Ishizaki @ National Institute of Informatics
Atsuki Akamisaka @ AGI Robotics
Yuichi Horiuchi @ AMATAMA Co.
Overseas startups
Pascal Gain @ ASTRIIS
David Chang @ Whale Dynamics
19:30 - 19:40 open mic:
If any participants would like to make an announcement to the attendees, you will have 60 seconds to speak (up to 5 people)./参加されている方で来場者に向けてアナウンスしたい方はお一人60秒でお話いただけます(5名まで)
19:40 - 20:50 Networking with Food & Drinks:
21:00 Doors close
STATION Ai is Japan’s largest open innovation hub, developed and operated by STATION Ai Corporation based on the “Aichi-Startup Strategy” formulated in 2018. It provides a variety of support services to foster the creation and growth of startups and promote open innovation.
STATION Ai は2018年に策定された「Aichi-Startup 戦略」に基づいてSTATION Ai株式会社が整備・運営事業を行う日本最大規模のオープンイノベーション拠点です。スタートアップの創出・育成やオープンイノベーションを促進するためのさまざまな支援サービスを提供します。
AI Salon information
AI Salon is a global community by and for AI-focused founders, builders, investors, and enterprise partners. AiSalon was launched by Jeffrey Abbott, GP at Blitzscaling Ventures, who decided to partner with Tokyo AI (TAI) through JETRO's patronage for the Tokyo chapter. And now AI Salon is coming to Nagoya's STATION Ai, and hosted by Yusuke Tanaka, Director of Givin' Back.
AI SalonはBlitzscaling Venturesのジェネラルパートナーであるジェフリー・アボット氏によって設立され、東京会場ではJETROの支援を受けてTokyo AI (TAI)と提携しました。そして今回、AI Salonが名古屋のSTATION Aiに上陸します!主催者はGivin' Backの田中悠介です。
Tokyo AI (TAI) information
TAI is the biggest AI community in Japan, with 1,600+ members mainly based in Tokyo (engineers, researchers, investors, product managers, and corporate innovation managers).
JETRO information
JETRO is a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world.
JETRO(日本貿易振興機構)は、日本と世界各国との相互貿易および投資の促進を目的とした政府関連機関です。スタートアップ特化部門JETRO Startupが日本・海外のスタートアップ支援活動に取り組んでいます。
DEEPCORE information
DEEPCORE is a Tokyo-based AI-focused incubator and VC firm supporting AI Salon Tokyo.
Givin' Back information
Givin' Back is a company specializing in organizational and talent development, offering team-building training services centered around communication organizes the "Generative AI EXPO," an event involving regional governments, with support from local administrations such as Aichi Prefecture and Gifu Prefecture.
Givin' Backは、組織開発および人材開発を専門とし、コミュニケーションを軸にしたチームビルディング研修を提供しています。また、「生成AI EXPO」という地方自治体を巻き込んだイベントを主催しており、愛知県庁や岐阜県庁などの後援を受け、これまでに累計3,000名が参加しています。
This event is a side event of TechGALA. Participation requires a City Pass (free) or higher. Please register if needed.
このイベントは、TechGALAのサイドイベントです。参加にはCity Pass(無料)以上が必要です。必要な場合はご登録ください。