Cover Image for Hedera EVM + Validation Cloud's Node API: Powering the Next Generation of dApps Across Web3, Enterprise, and Beyond

Hedera EVM + Validation Cloud's Node API: Powering the Next Generation of dApps Across Web3, Enterprise, and Beyond

Past Event
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About Event

How to Find Us

Go to the elevators that say 1-10 (right side) then go to the third floor. Once you get to the third floor you’ll see “Primary” on the front desk. Walk past the desk, down the long hallway to room 384

About The Event

You're invited to join Hedera and Validation Cloud for an evening of networking, presentations, and discussions around building decentralized applications on Hedera using Validation Cloud's node infrastructure. Join us at Station3, New York City's Web3 Hub.

What You'll Learn

• An overview of Validation Cloud's node-as-a-service offerings and how they enable developers to easily access the Hedera network and other public blockchains

• An introduction to Hedera - A public network for building decentralized applications using the EVM and native tokenization and data services

• How Validation Cloud's integration with Hedera supports EVM equivalence and benefits Hedera developers

• Live demo showing how to leverage Validation Cloud's nodes to build on Hedera


• Brady Gentile, Director of Product Marketing at Hedera

• Andrew McFarlane, Co-Founder & CTO at Validation Cloud

Food & Drinks

The event will feature drinks sponsored by Validation Cloud and food sponsored by Hedera.


6:00 PM: Doors open, networking & refreshments

6:30 PM: Welcome and introductions

6:35 PM: Presentations by Brady Gentile and Andrew McFarlane

7:05 PM: Q&A

7:20 PM: More networking & refreshments

We hope you can make it for an evening of learning and connecting with the Hedera and Validation Cloud communities in NYC! RSVP to secure your spot.