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Gravity Yoga - Happy Hips Series

Hosted by Michael Kraeuter
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If you suffer from tight hips that affect your posture, your ability to squat, and your yoga practice, there’s a very good chance I can help you. I’m leading a 4 week Happy Hips Series to blast through years of stress, tension, and tightness.

Why does hip flexibility matter?

  • Reduced Back & Knee Injuries. Is it true that tight hips can cause back and knee pain? Just watch people doing squats at the gym, knock-kneed and feet pronated. Or watch long-distance runners waddling across the finish line with their half-moon shaped strides. These are extreme examples of tight hips creating movement dysfunctions that stress the lower back and knees. Non-athletes experience the same type of compensation patterns—when your body does its best to work around your deficiencies. Unfortunately, your joints often pay the price. The good news is that corrective stretching exercises can help fix dysfunctional movement patterns to improve your posture and reduce injury.

  • Ease in Yoga. Many common yoga poses require healthy hip mobility; so if you’re stiff, you’ll suffer through classes. When you open your hips, poses that seemed totally impossible can suddenly become fun and accessible.

  • Improved Posture. When you see someone sitting cross-legged on the floor with a hunched-up back, it’s a sure sign that their hips are tight. Once freed, your knees drop down to the floor, your posture improves in all positions (not just seated), and you’ll feel more comfortable, physically, throughout the day.

  • More Speed/More Power. If your hip mobility is limited, it restricts your hip extension, running gait, and your ability to squat and exert force. Mobile hips allow for greater physical performance, which is why athletes, from runners to powerlifters, obsess over hip flexibility.

  • Better Quality of Life. When you’re more flexible, it’s like having an extra room in your home. You feel like there is more space to move around. You feel more freedom and less tension; it affects everything in subtle, positive ways.