Linux Foundation - LF Decentralized Trust: Building the Global Infrastructure for Digital Assets Together
Join us for an evening of networking, light finger foods & beverages, and insightful discussion on key challenges, developments and opportunities in decentralized technology innovation in the financial sector.
Daniela Barbosa: Executive Director, LF Decentralized Trust (formerly Hyperledger), General Manager, Decentralized Technologies @ Linux Foundation
Tom Wiles, COO for Onyx Systems, J.P. Morgan
Panel 1: Building together the global infrastructure for Digital Assets
Wee Kee Toh, Executive Director & Head of Business Architecture for Onyx Systems, J.P. Morgan
Vincent Pek, Deputy Director, Fintech Innovation Group, MAS
Julio Faura, Founder and CEO Adhara
Moderator: LF Decentralized Trust - Julian Gordon, VP Asia Pacific and Middle East
Panel 2: Addressing Privacy, Data Protection and Quantum in a World of Digital Assets
Kaleido - Sophia Lopez, Founder & COO
DTCC - Johnna Powell, Managing Director, Technology Research and Innovation
Moderator: LF Decentralized Trust - Hart Montgomery, CTO
Special Guest:
Meet Rita Martins, Head of Product Ecosystem for Digital Assets at the London Stock Exchange and author of the newly released book, Web3 in Financial Services: How Blockchain, Digital Assets, and Crypto are Disrupting Traditional Finance. All attendees will have a chance to win a copy in an exclusive book raffle!
4:00-4:30 - Registration, networking and refreshments
4:30-4:40 - Welcome from Tom Wiles, COO for Onyx Systems, J.P. Morgan
4:40-4:50 - Welcome and introducing LF Decentralized Trust - Daniela Barbosa, Executive Director
4:50-5:30 - Panel: Building the Global Infrastructure for Digital Assets together
Wee Kee Toh, Executive Director & Head of Business Architecture for Onyx Systems, J.P. Morgan
Vincent Pek, Deputy Director, Fintech Innovation Group, MAS
Julio Faura, Founder and CEO Adhara
Moderator: LF Decentralized Trust - Julian Gordon, VP Asia Pacific and Middle Eas
5:30 Meet Author : Rita Martins
5:35-6:15 - Panel : Addressing Privacy, Data Protection and Quantum in a World of Digital Assets
Kaleido - Sophia Lopez, Founder & COO
DTCC - Johnna Powell, Managing Director, Technology Research and Innovation
Moderator: LF Decentralized Trust - Hart Montgomery, CTO
6:15-7:00 - Q&A, book raffle, networking and refreshments