Cover Image for Meetup on Governance: Can you get it right from the beginning?

Meetup on Governance: Can you get it right from the beginning?

Hosted by Greenfield & 3 others
Past Event
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About Event

Gm builders & crypto thinkers,

Early governance experiments in DeFi are fraught with examples that were meant to be set up right. Though it seems easy in theory and equipped with the best intentions, most founder teams underestimate how challenging it is to set up the right structure from scratch, decide which rules must be in place and how to enforce them. However, should the established structures and processes fail, cascades of systemic consequences are triggered in complex dynamic systems - putting the trust of the community at risk.

How to avoid developments like this from the beginning? 

How does on-chain governance have to be designed so that it ensures cohesive resistance to the concentration of decision making power in the hands of a few?

Which governance structure is the best to start with and which main challenges have to be dealt with while setting it up?

Join us and get best practices and thoughts from Martin (co-initiator) of Q + Layer Zero from Maker DAO + Patrick (co-founder) of Curve Labs on what you need to get it right from the beginning. 

The panel will be moderated by Felix Machart, Partner at Greenfield. Looking forward to meeting you all to discuss and mingle! Places are limited! So be quick :)