Cover Image for RAG in Action: Next-Level Retrieval Augmented Generation
Cover Image for RAG in Action: Next-Level Retrieval Augmented Generation
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RAG in Action: Next-Level Retrieval Augmented Generation

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About Event

Build an advanced retrieval system with open-source - Leonard Püttmann

In this hands-on workshop, we'll show you the components we use to build our next-level RAG applications.

We'll cover the following steps:

  1. Theoretical concepts

    • Fundamentals for data retrieval

    • Why LLMs are so bad at certain tasks (and how to fix this)

  2. Hands-on: Leverage open-source tools for data-centric RAG

    • Inspecting and understanding your data

    • Choosing the right embedding model

    • PII detection and NER tasks

    • Chunking techniques

  3. Advanced RAG

    • White-box RAG vs black-box RAG

    • Enriching and understanding user questions

    • Scope management

    • Beyond the chatbot - what other useful applications are there?

By the end of this workshop, you'll be able to build advanced RAG systems and have a clear understanding of all the applicable use cases for this amazing technology.

About the speaker:

Leonard Püttmann is a Data Scientist at Kern AI, where they build an amazing platform to accelerate your LLM adoption. He is interested in all things Machine Learning, especially when it comes to Natural Language Processing. He's also a passionate tea drinker and always happy to talk about tech over a hot cup of tea!

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This event is sponsored by Kern AI. Thanks for supporting our community!

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