Creativity for Social Change: Experiences from around the world with the Creativity Pioneers
What can a circus do in one of the most impoverished townships in Zambia? Does a musical theatre in the most volatile slums in Venezuela change its future for the better? What can a skatepark be in Jordan, a country that hosts one of the world's highest number of refugees? What can art do for the marginalized in London?
Creativity and culture reveal and explore what remains possible in challenging times. Our Creativity Pioneers, in very tactile ways, showcase such possibilities, radicality and the impact of creative doing in the world.
In their own way, each of the Creativity Pioneers who will be in conversation, are asking and answering compelling questions which illuminate the indispensability of creativity for social change.
Join us for a panel where, together with the Creativity Pioneers, we will go to the unexpected places these questions have taken them.
Moderated by Lwando Xaso, writer, lawyer, founder of Including Society
Martha Atienza, Founder of GOODLand, Philippines
Dayna Ash, Founder Founder of Haven for Artists, Lebanon
Noluthando Mdayi, Co-CEO of Makers Valley Partnership, South Africa
Capacity: 60 maximum.