Cover Image for Reach Beyond Your Field (and tickle your brain)
Cover Image for Reach Beyond Your Field (and tickle your brain)
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Reach Beyond Your Field (and tickle your brain)

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Reach Beyond Your Field

You are a Connector. You see gaps in your field and take action to address them. You have an established history of helping people connect with others. But who helps you connect with people outside of your usual circles?

Without a doubt, the most professionally productive years I've had are a result of my conversations with people outside of the fields in which I usually roam. I learn more about myself and my project when I discuss my work with someone from another field. Planning for these conversations is difficult because you don't know who you don't know.

Here is an opportunity to have these types of conversations without doing the hard work of looking for people outside of your field. All you need to do is show up. 

Cost: Free



Tania Marien is an independent environmental educator with 20 years of experience connecting educators and freelancers; she began showcasing independent work at ArtPlantae and continues this effort through Talaterra, its podcast, events, and conferences. She is also a podcast producer and principal of The Freelance Condition and Lifelong Learning in Communities project. Her professional history includes leadership roles, coaching, conference presentations, museum talks, publications, workshops, and public events related to environmental education, botany, art, and freelancing.

Tania is a member of several professional associations, including the Association of Independents in Radio, the National Association for Interpretation, and the North American Association for Environmental Education. 

She is a contributor to The Carbon Almanac.


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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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