Cover Image for RariKo Mainnet Launch Party

RariKo Mainnet Launch Party

Hosted by mani.wagmi, Shivam & Samakhya Jaiswal
Registration Closed
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About Event

Get set for a thrilling night under the stars at Zo House as we lift the curtain on the - God's Own Social Network!!

We're mixing the brilliance of breakthrough tech with the buzz of a stellar shindig. Meet the masterminds behind many DApps, jam with fellow web3 enthusiasts, and get a firsthand experience of how RariKo is set to bring in real-time and permissionless social networks completely on-chain.

Discover the liberating world of interoperable social platforms and on-chain clout, all while grooving to great music and stunning views. Did we forget to mention drinks are on us?

So put on the party shoes, rally with your crew, and join us at the top - literally, at Zo House!! This is your exclusive invite to an epic fusion of innovation and celebration, as we raise a toast to the future of decentralized social media. Prepare for a night of high vibes, high views, and high tech. Can't wait to See you there!