Manchester's AI Future: Opportunities for Businesses
Join Turing Innovation Catalyst Manchester, Innovate UK Business Growth and Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub as we bring businesses together from across Greater Manchester to share what service offerings are available for businesses in developing or integrating AI-driven tools.
About this event
The Turing Innovation Catalyst (TIC) invites you to our raising awareness event, in partnership with Innovate UK Business Growth and Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub.
This special event will highlight key business support available for Greater Manchester based SMEs, sharing valuable information about Manchester’s service offerings from TIC, Innovate UK Business Growth and Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub to develop your AI product/service or integrate AI into your business.
There will be presentations from TIC, Innovate UK Business Growth and Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub about current service offerings for Manchester businesses to develop your AI product/service or integrate AI into your business operations.
Presentations will cover from UK and EU funding to funded technical R&D support and publicly funded human resource upskilling for your business, followed by a panel discussion about ‘AI in the modern business’ convened by local SMEs accessing Manchester’s AI service offerings and business support organisations like IN4 and the GMCA Further Education colleges IUK team.
10:00 – 10:30 Tea and Coffee on arrival
10:30 – 10:45 Presentation: Turing Innovation Catalyst Manchester
10:45 – 11:00 Presentation: Innovate UK Business Growth
11:00 – 11:15 Presentation: GM Business Growth Hub
11:15 – 12:15 Panel Discussion: AI in the modern business
12:15 – 13:00 Networking Lunch