Cover Image for 【IVS Side Event】OKCoinJapan × DEA FORTUNE Night🥂 in FORTUNE GARDEN
Cover Image for 【IVS Side Event】OKCoinJapan × DEA FORTUNE Night🥂 in FORTUNE GARDEN
Hosted By
120 Went
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【IVS Side Event】OKCoinJapan × DEA FORTUNE Night🥂 in FORTUNE GARDEN

Hosted by OKJ
Thursday, July 4, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM GMT+9
Fortune Garden Kyoto
Kyoto, Kyoto
Registration Closed
This event is not currently taking registrations. You may contact the host or subscribe to receive updates.
About Event

IVS2024 公式サイドイベントとして、暗号資産交換業者のOKCoinJapanとブロックチェーンゲームプラットフォーム「PlayMining」を運営する Digital Entertainment Asset Pte.Ltd.(DEA)が『OKCoinJapan × DEA FORTUNE Night』を開催いたします!












​・Crypto Times





住所:〒604-0924 京都府京都市中京区一之船入町386-2
   京都地下鉄東西線「京都市役所前」駅 16番出口より北へ徒歩約1分


​17:45 ドアオープン・受付

​18:05 開会挨拶

​18:10 食事飲み物・スピーチ

​18:40 ネットワーキング

​19:30 抽選

​20:00 閉会挨拶



​・本イベントでは、イベントでご紹介する商品等の勧誘を行うことがあります。暗号資産取引を行う場合には、OKCoinJapan ホームページ、契約締結前交付書面をはじめ 各種交付書面等をご確認いただき、ご自身の判断と責任において行われるようお願 いいたします。











〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門1-2-10 虎ノ門桜田通ビル5階
代表取締役 馮 鐘揚


​・ 暗号資産は、日本円やドルなどのように国がその価値を保証している「法定通貨」ではありません。インターネット上でやりとりされる電子データです。






​商  号:オーケーコイン・ジャパン株式会社

​登録番号:暗号資産交換業者 関東財務局長 第00020号



As an official side event of IVS2024, OKCoinJapan, a cryptocurrency exchange, and Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd. (DEA), which operates the blockchain game platform "PlayMining," will host the 'OKCoinJapan × DEA FORTUNE Night'!

Projects like DEP, IOST and ZIL, listed on OKCoinJapan, will gather to share the latest information through speeches! Enjoy delicious food and drinks while casually networking and creating memories in Kyoto!

We also have a lottely with exclusive items!
※Please note that OKCoinJapan account is required to receive cryptocurrency.
※The lottery is limited to 50 participants.

We look forward to your participation!

*Please note that if there are many applicants, participants will be selected by lottery.




​【Event Partner】



【Media Partner】

​・Crypto Times



​Date: July 4, 2024


​Location: 386-2 Ichinofunairicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-0924, Japan


​17:45 Doors open and reception

​18:05 Opening

​18:10 foods/drinks and speechs

​18:40 Networking

​19:30 Lottely

​20:00 Conclusion


​•OKCoin Japan K.K. (OKCoinJapan) do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the event and related materials, which may be subject to future changes without notice. Additionally, neither our company nor the information providers shall be held responsible for any damages resulting from the information provided in this document.

​• There may be solicitations for the products and services presented at the event. If you engage in cryptocurrency trading, please review various documents, including the OKCoinJapan website and pre-contractual documents, and make decisions and take responsibility at your own discretion.

​• All intellectual property rights and other rights contained in the content of this event and related materials belong to our company or the respective rights holders. You may only use the information in this document for your own purposes and are prohibited from providing, redistributing, reproducing, delivering, distributing, transferring, or engaging in similar activities with third parties.

​【Regarding photography and other activities】

​• On the day of the event, the organizers plan to take photos and record videos (to be published on social media, YouTube, etc.). When these photos and videos are published, participants' faces will be blurred to ensure their privacy. We kindly request that participants also exercise the same consideration when taking photos or videos.

​【Disclaimer and consent】

​• Participants are solely responsible for any disputes that may arise during the event. Please participate in this event after understanding all the risks associated with it.

​【Personal information】

​• We will handle the personal information collected from participants with strict confidentiality and will not disclose or provide the information to any third party unless with the consent of the individual concerned. The acquired information will only be shared among the co-organizers.

​【Notes when using cryptocurrencies】

​• Cryptocurrencies are not "legal tender" guaranteed by a government like the Japanese yen or the US dollar. They are electronic data exchanged over the Internet.

​• Cryptocurrencies can experience price fluctuations, and there is a possibility of incurring losses due to sudden drops in prices.

​• Japanese cryptocurrency exchange operators are required to register with Financial Services Agency or Local Finance Bureau. When using their services, please confirm the registration status on the website of the registered operator or the Financial Services Agency/Finance Bureau.

​• When engaging in cryptocurrency trading, please ensure that the provider explains the transaction details and risks (such as price volatility and cybersecurity risks) and fully understand them.

​• There has been an increase in consultations regarding cryptocurrencies and fraudulent coins. Please be cautious of scams and malicious schemes that take advantage of the popularity of cryptocurrencies or the introduction of cryptocurrency exchange services.

​• Cryptocurrencies can be used for the settlement of debts only with the consent of the recipient.

​Company Name: OKCoin Japan K.K.

​Registration Number: Virtual Currency Exchange Operator No. 00020 issued by Kanto Local Finance Bureau

​Membership: Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association (JVCEA)

Fortune Garden Kyoto
386-2 Ichinofunairichō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-0924, Japan
〒604-0924 京都府京都市中京区一之船入町386-2 ■京都地下鉄東西線「京都市役所前」駅 16番出口より北へ徒歩約1分
Hosted By
120 Went