Cover Image for Sweaty Saturday
Cover Image for Sweaty Saturday
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is a spiritually activating, soul-liberating dance party for your Genius. A digital community hosted by A Place for Joy LLC
Hosted By
1 Going

Sweaty Saturday

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Minimum $15.00
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Come leave it all on the spiritual dance floor!

This is a 30 minute SAH Method™ session, high intensity.

Make sure you have a sweat towel handy!

What is Somatic Activated Healing™?

Created by Sah DiSimone, the SAH Method™ is a movement experience designed to alleviate the stress and trauma of living in an extractive economy and culture. It is a radical, spiritual body technique that is practiced like interval training using movement, breathwork, meditation, affirmations, and ecstatic dance to create a circuit. A session can include as few as one circuit or as many as 5. For this series, we will experience 3 circuits. 

What is involved?

Each session addresses a particular state of mind that prevents true acceptance of yourself as you are right now. You can expect to do a combination of breathwork, meditation, stretching, shaking, and dancing each session.

What will happen?

That’s entirely up to you and your body. In SAH Method™ we ask that people arrive with no expectations for an outcome, but that you drop the story and stay with the feeling. Typically, people experience muscular and emotional releases during a session. You can expect to sweat A LOT. A session is like interval training for your mindbodyspirit. There will be loud music and encouraging shouting and laughing from the instructor. Your muscles will get a workout. You will learn and use specific breathing techniques. You will be guided through ways to meditate that flow with your life. You will dance like no one is looking. You will change. We cannot control the change that occurs, only accept it.

Is there a dress code?

The invitation is to take the class in bare feet, but if you have foot issues you can wear athletic footwear that allows you to dance. This is key as many shoes prevent the foot from sliding, spinning, and slipping. Your body will be in charge of the moves you make, so dress accordingly. Be sure to take your clothing, hair, and jewelry out of the equation: if you are constantly having to pull up your pants or adjust your top, hair or jewelry, you will be too distracted to fully engage the sequences. You can serve a lewk (we love to see it), but make sure it is not in your way!

Avatar for Joynasium™
Presented by
is a spiritually activating, soul-liberating dance party for your Genius. A digital community hosted by A Place for Joy LLC
Hosted By
1 Going