Cover Image for PNW Climate Week: Climate Tech Challenge 2024 - Competitor
Cover Image for PNW Climate Week: Climate Tech Challenge 2024 - Competitor

PNW Climate Week: Climate Tech Challenge 2024 - Competitor

Hosted by Leaner Startups
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About Event


Purchasing this ticket allows you to enter into the competition that begins on July 7th in person at SURF Incubator and concludes with Demo Day on July 12th in person at SURF Incubator.

Demo Day Tickets available for July 12th here:

Who should attend this event?

Anyone interested in taking part in a full weeklong competition to build and present a Startup with a core mission of addressing the climate crisis to a judging panel of VC's.

What is the Climate Tech Challenge?

The climate tech challenge is designed to be a week long event designed to drive a group of entrepreneurs towards building and refining a business idea through mentor sessions and a series of workshops. The event will end with a Demo day where you will pitch to a team of VC's. At Leaner Startups we are dedicated to not just running events but enabling the startup community to accelerate their projects and bring their imaginations to life through our events.

What are the prizes?

***Prizes pending***

What types of technology will be allowed/required?

There are no requirements, we refer to tech as in any technology that can assist in finding actionable climate solutions.

What to expect:

You will arrive at noon and mingle for 30 before we begin networking activities and live 1 minute pitches to help decide teams. There will be snacks and time to discuss the rules of the event

What are the rules?

You may bring an existing idea but make certain your team understands your intentions after the event, if it's an idea you're not interested in sharing with others then you may want to stick to either a one person team or with an existing team.

  • Existing ideas are welcome; ensure clarity on post-event intentions with your team.

  • Team size is limited to a maximum of 15 participants.

Judging Criteria:

  • Innovation: How does this project demonstrate originality and creativity in its approach to solving climate challenges?

  • Impact: What is the projected or demonstrated impact of this solution on mitigating climate change or enhancing sustainability?

  • Feasibility: How feasible is the implementation of this solution in real-world applications, considering technical requirements and resource management?

  • Presentation: How effectively does the team communicate the problem, solution, and potential impact of their project to the judges and audience?

  • Scalability and Sustainability: To what extent does this project demonstrate scalability and sustainability in addressing long-term environmental challenges?

Event Schedule for Climate Tech Challenge

Day 0: Sunday, July 7 - Competitors Kickoff and Team Matchmaking.(COMPETITOR ONLY)

Day 1 to Day 4: Monday, July 8 to Thursday, July 11 - Remote Development and Digital Workshops (COMPETITOR ONLY)

Day 5: Friday, July 12 - Final Presentations and Awards Ceremony (ATTENDEE ONLY)

SURF Incubator
999 3rd Ave SUITE 700, Seattle, WA 98104, USA