The Last Party: 16 years Digital Ideas
In April 2009, I started my "Einzelunternehmen" and am running it ever since.
First, it was naturally named but then I switched quickly to "ajado". In 2016, I introduced the name "Digital Ideas". It was meant to be temporary, but it got way better responses, so I kept it.
But this company is coming to an end! I am working on closing my Einzelunternehmen in favor of Savio Media GmbH. and am thinking of moving Digital Ideas to Berlin. So this might be the last party ever!
If you can't make it but are keen on seeing me, then check out all the other things I'm doing in Vienna:
The Startup Circle on May 6th at Wiener Zeitung: https://lu.ma/d7lerss8
The Social Media Creators & Influencer Meetup on April 22nd: https://www.eventbrite.at/e/social-media-creators-influencer-meetup-vienna-7-tickets-1251141230099
My Improv events at https://lu.ma/talkin
All other events in this organizer https://lu.ma/digitalideas
I am looking forward to (re-)connecting with everyone!
If you're traveling to Vienna for this, I would recommend staying over the weekend and seeing the Summer Night Concert of the Vienna Philharmonics 2 days later.
Location and details to be decided!
Yours truly,