Cover Image for Sex Writing Workshop
Cover Image for Sex Writing Workshop
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Hosted by Tash Doherty // Misseducated
Hosted By
6 Went

Sex Writing Workshop

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About Event

This month's theme is: "My Favorite Things" 💌 ✍️

Write about your sex life alongside other awesome people in this intimate, virtual workshop! 

We will write about different experiences from our sex lives in order to: 

  1. Explore our desires and sexuality

  2. Learn what makes good writing

  3. Develop the confidence to own our voices and our experiences

This event is limited to 30 people. Each person will be vetted for approval before being allowed entry. We do this to bring intention to the experience and create a safe space where everyone can feel comfortable enough to express themselves and share. Sharing is not required, but we will have time to share for those who would like to.

Workshop structure: 

  • Introductions (10 minutes)

  • Meditation (5 minutes)

  • Prompts (40 minutes) 

  • Break (5 minutes)

  • Sharing & Positive Feedback Only (30 minutes)

Excited to see you there! 

Hosted by Tash Doherty, the creator of Misseducated, author of These Perfectly Careless Things, and writer of many a spicy story. 

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Presented by
Hosted by Tash Doherty // Misseducated
Hosted By
6 Went