Cover Image for CAMentrepreneurs online networking and Peter Cowley
Cover Image for CAMentrepreneurs online networking and Peter Cowley
Hosted By
25 Going

CAMentrepreneurs online networking and Peter Cowley

Hosted by Richard
Past Event
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About Event

This online event will be an opportunity to meet and network with CAMentrepreneurs from all over the world.

During lockdown up to 250 people signed up for such events, and through extensive use of breakout rooms, we were able to create valuable useful events.


17:50 digital doors open 

17:50- 18.20 soft start icebreakers. welcomes and introductions.

18:20-18:30 Introduction to CAMentrepreneurs, news from city groups

18.30-18.45 - Peter Cowley will reflect on a lifetime of entrepreneurship and angel investing and his recently published book Public Success Private Grief *

Peter is the Co-Founder CAMentrepreneurs, was Chair of Cambridge Angels, UK Angel Investor of the Year, and President of European Business Angels Network.

18.45-19:15 - Breakout sessions to make new connections

19:15-19:30 Mini Pitches - if you to make a mini pitch, apply here

19:30 Feedback from Peter to Mini Pitches

1945 Surprise guest

20:00-20:30 breakout rooms and networking

20:30 Close, calls the action

Peter Cowley author of recently published Private Grief Public Success will share some reflections. Co-Founder CAMentrepreneurs Chair of Cambridge Angels, Angel of the Year, President of European Business Angels Network, and author of Private Grief Public Success -

Peter's presence is dependent on how far his late stage cancer has progressed. See details here Project Cancer

Since its launch in 2016 CAMentrepreneurs has held more than 60 events in Boston, Cambridge, Dubai, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Houston, Lisbon London, Oxford, Paris, New York, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Vancouver and Warsaw. We partner with organisations like London Business School, LSE, Imperial and Judge Business School.

CAMentrepreneurs operates on a TED -> TEDx model, in that we only launch a group when there are people in the location who want to take the lead in getting a group off the ground and there is sufficient interest.

Our approach to events is described in a presentation here and in a video here

The group is officially recognised by Cambridge University Alumni Association. We aim to bring together positive minded alumni and others who want to work together on a voluntary basis to support enterprise, whether as entrepreneurs, investors, students or service providers.

Richard Lucas 


Hosted By
25 Going