Cover Image for Neo4j Live: Advancements in Querying and Data Importing
Cover Image for Neo4j Live: Advancements in Querying and Data Importing
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Neo4j is the open source graph database that allows you to manage, query and visualize your connected data
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Neo4j Live: Advancements in Querying and Data Importing

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Let's dive into the latest updates in Neo4j’s Query and Import tools. We’ll showcase exciting new features for our Query tool, including enhanced syntax highlighting, code linting, upgraded graph visualization, improved table rendering, and quick search capabilities. Plus, we take a look at the revamped Data Importer and the official VS Code plugin for Neo4j. Don't miss this practical demo designed to elevate your Neo4j development experience with these powerful new tools!

Guest: Greg King, Neo4j

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Neo4j is the open source graph database that allows you to manage, query and visualize your connected data
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3 Went