Cover Image for Finding Stillness Meditation

Finding Stillness Meditation

Hosted by Happily Ever After, Jan & Ee Peng
Registration Closed
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About Event

How can we tame the monkey mind, and experience peace even amidst chaos? Just sitting- shikantaza, a practice of Soto-Zen tradition allows one to be in touch with one’s inner stillness.

Join me as we first mindfully observe various relationships in nature through a walk. After which we will go through the important body postures, warm-ups and breathing exercises that can enable concentration for longer meditation periods, this session will end with a 20-minute meditation.

About Ee Peng, Meditation Facilitator

Ee Peng has experienced 3 years of monastic practice in Antaiji - a Japanese Soto-Zen monastery highly self-sustainable with farming vegetables and rice as part of daily practice. She is now the co-founder of Soil Social, creating urban soil regenerative practices in the hope of repairing the deep divide between Man and Nature.

Joining Instructions

  • Join us from home/anywhere you wish to walk and sit

  • You may need a mobile phone with data plan if you're outside

  • Have in mind a walking route of about 10 mins with a spot to sit for about 20 mins

  • Wear headphones so that you can walk hands-free while listening to the live guided session

How are we running this?

Happily Ever After is a global community-owned network. This means that we operate off a shared treasury where health and well-being practitioners decide how much they wish to receive, and give back to others running the community with them.

Our mission is to also make preventive care more accessible. We understand that everyone’s situation is different, and we trust that everyone will reward the people running the program how they can when they can.

To encourage participation, you can choose to lock in your commitment now or decide how much you’d like to contribute to the people running the programme at the end. Read our 🙌Treasury Contribution Guide for more details.

Find out more about Happily Ever After